Hello world

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Hello world I'm here to stay so please pray and I'll never go away, oh wait heartbreak and cruel you cruel cruel world, you take the most delicate flower and leave it to welt, you take the silk from the sky's and make them grey to die. You turned time to dust and dust to time I never thought it would be such a crime, I was born at the wrong time and that's fine i guess I'll see in the after life where I'm meant to be is dead.

I Patrick stump was to delicate for this cruel world.....


So I didn't know what else to write for the first one shot so I wrote that and I know some of you from my NoNameNemo account are probably mad at me but I promise tomorrow I will update.

Anyway bye nemos (I'm sure Courtney will have some other way to outro)

NoNameNemo, Out!

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