"So..? Where do you wanna go?" He asked, as we stepped out of gates.

"Not anywhere, just somewhere.." I mumbled, taking in the beautiful night sky.

"We resume the take me home tour in about a month. Done with America and UK. I really want to go to New Zealand!" He smiled, excited to resume the tour next month. We took a month and few weeks off from our busy schedule.

"Yeah.. It's a very pretty place! Next time we go, I am most definitely going to do bungie jumping!" I said. By now, we had been walking for a few minutes to wherever our feet guided us to, talking about stuff of here and there. We were lucky enough to not have been stalked by paparazzi and fans, our disguised look helped us.

"Hey.. Oi.. Look, over there.." Harry said, while pointing at something..or at someone. The street light was not helping at all to figure out who it was but I knew there were two people and probably a fight.

"Looks like someone's fighting! Last time I saw a fight was in high school! Lets go check it out!" Harry exclaimed, sounding like a high school kid. I grinned and said, "only from a distance. I don't want Liam to explain anything to Paul.." I said, while raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah yeah.. Whatever.." He replied.

We headed towards, from my perception, a coffee shop. As we got closer, our vision became clearer and clearer and then we realised that it wasn't really a fight.

"Harry.. I don't think it's a fight.." I said sounding concerned, taking a step closer and closer.

"SHIT! We gotta help her!" Harry whisper shouted, raising his speed with me following his actions. As I got closer, I saw a poor girl trying to escape the tight grip of a man forcing her to the wall.

Anger boiled inside me and before I knew it, my hands clenched into a tight fist. I raised my hand, pulled it back and raised it against the mans' head, knocking him to the ground. I wasn't really the one to ever pick a fight but this left me very angry and it wasn't hard to knock him down as the smell of alcohol was very strong from his filthy breath. With my one or two punches, he fainted.

I heard the girl yell something before she sped off and ran. Having to see the guy under control, Harry chased after her. I looked around and saw that she had dropped all her belongings. I gathered them together and chased after Harry and her.

As I finally reached their pace, just a few metres away, I was shocked on what I saw. Harry saved her from getting hit by a truck. They picked themselves up and I reached towards Harry. She started to run again but I cared more about Harry and stopped him from chasing her again.

"HARRY!" I shouted. "Are you okey?" I asked, very concerned.

"Yeah I am okey. Don't worry about me. But her!" He said, pointing at her disappearing image.

"I..I got her bag.. She dropped it there. I think we should go before anyone notices anything."

We quickly yet, quietly, walked back to the apartment and Harry suggested we should tell the boys as soon as we reach home.

We knocked on the door and Zayn's warm smile welcomed us which was soon replaced by a concerned look as he saw our dropped faces with Harry covered in a little noticeable dirt.

"What..have..you boys been up to?" He asked, eying us and by now Liam joined and I could tell he was angry.

"What have you guys actually been up to?" He asked, in a strict tone.

"Long story.. Let us in. And we'll explain." Harry said, short and simple.

"And..why....exactly are you holding a girls' purse..?" Louis asked as we sat on the couch. We settled down and explained what had happened, well Harry explained, to be exact.

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