Scene 35: Bad Date

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"So the way I see it," Noel started as he slid into his seat at the table, "even gamers need a day off. What do you say?"

Travis blushed and looked away.

"Was I that bad a date?" Noel sorted out his tray, setting everything in its place. "I guess I'm not like the young celebrities you're used to going out with."

"That's not it," Travis looked back at him. Not entirely, anyway.

He waited, hands resting on either side of his tray. When she offered nothing else, he smiled, "I'm still waiting for an answer."


"Would you like to go out again?"

"Oh." If I don't say yes and it gets back to Gloria, I'm fish bait. "Sure."

He looked surprised. "No conditions? No other plans?"


He smiled even wider. "Great! I have just the place in mind!"

Travis smiled back. He already had something in mind?


She could only assume it was a conspiracy, and that Will had met Noel and decided he was okay. Noel's plans took them to an exhibition being held near the base of the Eastern Mountains. The evening was cool enough to make Travis regret not bringing a light sweater. It's nearly summer. Why is is so cold?

"Given how much you love to watch things move, I thought you might enjoy this. Technically, we could get in a lot of trouble if we're caught here, but I think it's worth it."

"It's okay. These guys are used to being discreet." It tumbled out of her mouth before she could even think about it. And then Noel was staring at her, mouth open. "Sorry. I've tagged along with Will to some of his friends' practices."

"Oh, okay." Noel relaxed and wrapped an arm around Travis' shoulders.

She watched raptly as the show began with a handful of skateboarders, one of whom she recognized from her few visits to the Underground. The skaters moved through their choreography and then split off into individual tricks before coming back together in a final chorus of jumps and flips. Rollerbladers and bikers followed them with a routine that left Travis nearly breathless as riders came much closer than she expected, skaters weaving through them to create beautiful images.

Will opened the next act with a few jumps, each larger than the one before it. As he went into his third jump, another guy from the Underground burst onto the ramp under him. They rolled back and forth, switching places, doing matching jumps a few times before a third skater rolled in from below. Soon, all three were moving back and forth, the new guy rolling with Will; and then all three started doing different tricks. It was hard to follow, so Travis just focused on Will.

As Will's group was doing their thing, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She fished it out, and growled. "Hello?" She rolled her eyes. "Yes." She closed her eyes. "I see. I'll be right there."

"What's up?" Noel backed off, dropping his arm.

"Sorry, Noel. This has been so much fun, but I have to go."

He scowled. "An 'emergency'."

"Yeah. I have to go pick up my parents."

The scowl softened to confusion. "Why would you need to get your parents? Where are they?"

"According to the nice officer who just called me, they're in MicroTech's detainment center." Noel's eyes widened. "I know. Sorry about this."

"No, it's fine. They hold these exhibitions pretty regularly, so we can just catch another one."

"What does that mean?"

"That means I'm coming with you."

"You really don't have to do this," she assured him as they worked their way out of the stands.

He chuckled.


The detainment center was forty-five minutes from the exhibition, and by the time Travis and Noel walked in, her father was trying to reason with the officers. She could smell the alcohol from the door, but her father's slurred, smooth voice was far more jarring.

An officer stopped her. "Sir, I'm Travis Ando. I got a call to come pick up my parents."

"Your parents may not be going anywhere, Miss Ando. They were partying on the rooftop of this building."

Travis wanted to mash her face into her palm. "Were they? Oh, those rascals."

Shiri's voice floated over the officer's shoulder, "We were just enjoying the night, officer. Nothing illegal about that?"

The officer's face said it all, but Travis had to get things moving. "When do you expect them to be ready to go?"

"We really don't know at the moment. The MegaCorps has to decide whether or not to press charges for trespassing."

"Then why was I called down here? Usually, you people don't call until they're processed and ready for release." Ugh. That was my annoyed teenager voice.

"Do you have somewhere safe to go for the night?" Travis nodded. "Then, I suggest you go there until we're done here."

"Thank you, sir." Travis turned to Noel. "Again, I'm so sorry about this. Want to walk me home?"


The whole way back, Noel tried to make small talk, but all Travis could think was, Man, am I a bad date.

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