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Right about now, I guess you can say the rain has stopped. Or at least it's a lot weaker now. After scavenging a few floors we found hardly anything of use, only an old baseball bat in which I hold now, Morrisha's picks her nails with this sharp, short dagger she found, it's actually quite weighted.
From our window, Morrisha and I watch as the warehouse across the street crumbles, the walls... Columns, windows... All of it, it's going down, slowly, the whole thing is losing itself, shrinking into the flood.
I'm not sure there was an actual reason for it, or if the game makers decided to let it fall.
Oh wait...
Look at-...
Bree's jumps across the gap from this hole in the warehouse roof...
She's on the rooftop now. But she looks like she's screaming?
She's waving her arms around, she's talking to someone.



Bree yells back

I can't leave our stuff, not now.
The attic floor is shaking, I feel it under my feet rocking side to side but I need to move.
After gathering all our stuff, Bree still yelling, I sling the strap over my shoulder.
I feel it vanishing and the attic is too low for me to make the jump!
The pack is too heavy!
I can't swim.
Looking up at Bree now, it's too late.

Planks and planks of abandoned wood hit me from all sides.

I'm sent across the room with the bag still on me, hitting the water, under...

The force fiel-



It hurts in my chest from the screaming and I feel the swelling behind my eyes as they leak.


He must have hit the force field.

He couldn't swim, it was too late for him...

It all happened so quickly.


Nickko... I'm sorry..

"Rest in peace Nick..."

(Morrisha) INDOORS.

My nails are done now and I blow them off and check them, back, front.

Looking up through the window as we hear a cannon.
Someone with her must have died. Oh well.

Now it's our time, we can get her now.
She's alone, we can kill her now.
We have our weapons.

Oh wait.... Juuuuust a second...
What is that..?


Shocked at the timing, I will not let myself cry, Nick wouldn't have wanted that...
But, there's something levitating down.
Slight humming tune, slowly making it's way towards me.
I watch as the flowing cloth perfectly lands right in front of me. Attatched to the casing by strings that fall.

Fingers shivering rapidly... I rest them on the latch and pull the steel top up.
Inside lies a note, and a small box.

Reading the note, it says
"Greetings Bree Baddawi, we understand how unfortunate your situation is at the moment.
But we must inform you that Nicholas Jamou was given the chance to obtain a small tool.
His choice was reasonable and fitting. Here is the request that was given

-Hello, so. My request will be simple. All I want is a pair of glasses for Bree. She needs them, and she's been so kind to me and I want to return the favour with a sort of thank you gift. Please, please, please send it. It would mean a lot to the both of us. That will be all.-

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