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As I walked along the beach alone with sunset in our midst, I realised; 'God dammit I'm forever alone aren't I?' and slipped in my earbuds, scrolling through my phone until I found What's My Age Again? by Blink-182. Perfect. I had my flip flops in my bag so I was barefoot as I strolled. I was never one for long walks on the beach. Sorry eHarmony. And the other dating sites. I'm not that kind of person. I blocked out the burning sun with my hand and saw a man with jet black hair that was just grazing his shoulders walking toward me. Or at least in the opposite direction to me. But then I heard him say my name.

I'd changed a lot since the last time we saw each other, how did he recognise me? I'd dyed my hair from it's natural colour to a dark violet because why not?
"Y/N?!" he yelled and I began running toward him.
"Gee?! Is that you?" Stupid question. I knew it was him. He was one of my best friends in high school, but then after graduation we went our separate ways. Then he became a huge superstar with his band. Well, the actually cool kind of huge superstar. You know what I mean.
I ran into his arms and he seemed a little taken aback, but then he returned the hug.
"I missed you Gee. I missed you so much."
"I missed you too Y/N. Oh my god, I can't believe you're here." I'd collapsed into his chest by that point and I was instantly at home for the first time since high school.
I'd always had a thing for Gerard. I couldn't explain it, I'd been in love with him for as long as I could remember.
"Gerard, oh my god how are you?!" I asked and I couldn't stop smiling because I was back with my best friend.
"Awesome now that you're here Y/N. You?"
"Everything was terrible until now. Oh my god Gee! I'm so sorry I didn't keep in touch I was just so busy and I-"
"Shush grasshopper," he said and placed a finger to my lips. I raised an eyebrow at him. "I think our reunion calls for a little celebration. There's a drive in and we could see whatever's playing?" He took the finger off and allowed me to respond.
"Sounds perfect. I have something to inform you of."
"I am truly forever alone Gerard."
"Don't say that." He smiled at me a little and pushed my shoulder.
"Why not?" I pushed him back.
"Because I said so."
"Flawless logic Way. A++."
"Oooh! TWO pluses! I feel special."
"You are very special Gee."
"Dude! A horror movie! Come on, you know I'm going to get paranoid that the girl from The Ring is under the bed! Why would you do this to me!? I thought we were friends Gee!"
The movie Gerard wanted us to see was The Ring. Bag. Of. Nope. (A/N: If you like horror movies, especially Saw & The Ring, well done you have more balls than me. I don't do horror. Because being scared of horror is essential to the plot, just pretend you're scared if you aren't.)
"We are friends Y/N. I'm just a particularly mean friend today."
"Of course you are. Ugh, let's go. But if I cry, you're mopping up the tears. And you're serving as my personal shield against everything. Deal?"
"Deal Y/N."
He had this look on his face. I couldn't make sense of what it meant, but I would soon enough.
By the time we saw the first dead girl, I had already buried my face into my best friend's chest and made him promise not to do anything stupid if this happened in real life. He just laughed at me and ran his hands through my dark locks.
"Why did you dye your hair?" Gerard asked me during one scene that I just could not look at. "I mean, I liked your H/C. But the purple looks good. Just to clarify."
"I think when you and I went our separate ways," I faked wistfulness, "I genuinely thought I'd never see you again. I figured that I'd start brand new. Move because reasons and dye my hair. I just thought: 'Eh, why the fuck not?'. So, I did it and then wished I could be back with my best friend."
"I was wishing the same thing. I'm not joking, I really missed you Y/N, and it's awesome hanging out again."
"It really is, even though you made me watch this movie. And I still hate you for this," I laughed and looked into his eyes for a good ten seconds. Then I nuzzled into his warm chest again and realised that maybe wearing a t-shirt and shorts was a bad idea seeing as I knew it was going to get cold that night. I shivered a little and got as close to him as possible.
"Here Y/N." Gerard motioned for me to sit up so he could take off his jacket. He put it around me and I went back to my position.
Then there was this one scene in particular that made me avert my eyes from the screen and never let their attention return to that dreadful place. My eyes deserve better. I just hid from the screen by closing my eyes and holding onto Gee.
"Gerard, am I going to die now?"
"No, I wouldn't let that happen. You know, I'm so so happy to finally be back with you Y/N. Can I tell you something?"
"Anything Gerard," I replied and looked him in the eyes, sitting up more. My attention is solely on him. I can't even hear the movie now. It's all Gerard.
"I've needed to tell you something for a long time Y/N. And you may or may not hate me. Fuck it."
Gerard barely even finished his sentence before his lips collided with mine. He cupped my cheek and I rested my hand on his chest. Oh... that explains the look earlier. He knew that I'd be so scared I wouldn't even really watch the movie.
Clever bastard.
"Gerard, I'm in love with you." I finally said it. "I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember." I kissed his lips again and he kissed me back passionately.
"Y/N, will you be my girl/boyfriend?" He asked, breaking the kiss.
"Of course Gerard, how could I say no to you?"
"You easily could-"
"Shush grasshopper," I laughed, placing a finger to his soft lips. "Eat your fucking words Way."
"I said shush grasshopper! Now, I want to say something. You know you're fucking cute right? Because you definitely should. And you know what else?"
"I love you." I softly pressed my lips to his, parting them a little. It's like we're two jigsaw pieces. We fit together perfectly. His lips on mine, his arms around my waist, mine around his neck, his eyes and mine.
"Gerard. Do you want to go back to mine after this?"
"Yeah, perfect."

I opened the door to my small apartment. I lived alone. But I wasn't by myself any longer. I had Gerard in my life, and that was all that mattered.
"Home, shitty home," I announced. My hand was entwined with his, and I kissed his cheek lightly.
"You're beautiful Y/N. Never ever forget how beautiful you are. I was thinking now that we're reunited, our dreams can come true. Do you want to move in with me?"
"Fuck yeah! Just like we always talked about! I love you so much Gee."
"I love you too," Gerard kissed me softly but managed to fall. I landed on top of him and my slightly chapped lips were grazing his soft ones.
And that was when my phone rang.
"I don't have to take that."
"Yes you do take the call," he stated as if it was a fact. It was a fact he found on Wikipedia or Jaden Smith's Twitter but whatever.
"Fine. But I'm not moving from this position. Hi," I said after digging my phone out of my back pocket and holding it next to my ear.
"Y/N, it's your mother." Shit.
"I know, caller ID mom. What's up?"
"I found this wonderful boy/ girl for you on eHarmony-"
"Mom, I'm not single."
"That's what you always say-"
"What the fuck is-" Gee started but I placed a finger over his lips again.
"Shush grasshopper," I mouthed.
"Mom, I have a boyfriend and eHarmony is BS."
"Language Y/N."
"I didn't even swear! Look, I'm kinda busy right now."
"With who?"
"My boyfriend."
"Well, he better not be one of those emo boys that cut themselves. Benji/Amanda from Surrey is a business man/woman and he/she-"
"What the fuck just happened?" Gerard asked as soon as I put my phone on my coffee table.
"My mom found a boy/girl on eHarmony named Benji/ Amanda from Surrey who's a business man/woman. She also said not to date an emo boy. She's been trying to set me up for years and look, I got a cutie all by myself."
"Well done you. And me for not fucking up," Gerard replied and slow clapped.
"Well, now thanks to you and that damn movie I'm going to be scared for my life. You wanna stay for the next month or two because I'm not going near a TV at night alone. Or be alone at all."
"Anything for you baby," he said as he kissed me. His hands found their way to my back and traced lazy circles.
"Gee! I'm sleepy."
"Are you now Sugar?"
"Yuh huh. Come on," I said as I stood up and helped Gee to stand beside me. "My bed, lets go."
I took his warm hand and led him to my bedroom.
"Your hands are cold Y/N."
"Well, maybe you can help me warm up. C'mon."

I changed into my pyjamas and crawled under the covers next to Gerard.
"You're really cold Y/N, here." I put my arms around his waist and my head on his chest. He pulled me closer to him and my eyes were heavy. They fluttered shut and I pressed my lips to his cheek.
"You're really warm Gerard."
"Get some sleep Y/N."
"Whatever you say Gee. Goodnight baby, I love you."
"I love you too."
Those were the last words to register in my brain before I was swept away by unconsciousness.

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