
Sam's POV

I sat looking at the screen in the seat in front of me as Jade slept quietly beside me. It's times like these when I just think how lucky I am to have her. She honestly has changed my life before I met her nothing went right and nothing ever felt right until now.

I took my eyes from the screen and focused them on her small little body as she lied so sweetly, I focused on her as she took each breath I slowly ran my thumb along her forehead down to her cheek before resting my arm around her.

She moved her head slightly resting it on my now exposed chest, I waited as she got comfortable before I rested my head back on the seat closing my eyes to get some sleep.

I suddenly felt a hand in mine, I opened my eyes to see Jades hand moving into my free hand. I slowly intwined our fingers before closing my eyes again.

"Sam" her soft Geordie accent sent shivers threw my body

"What is it beautiful?" I asked keeping my eyes closed

"I can't sleep"

"Why's that?" I asked rubbing hand up her arm

"I don't feel well" I opened my eyes to see her pouting up at me

"Aw Jadey, what can I do to help?" I asked growing a little concerned

"Tell me a story?" She asked her voice was soft as my poor girl laid in my arms not feeling good

"Alright ready?" I asked she just nodded as I began "once upon a time there was a girl she was the most beautiful girl that ever existed she had blue hair, brown eyes and a perfect smile. One day she met a boy and she changed his life in more ways than she could have ever known." I took a deep breath as I continued, drawing circles on her arm as I did "she took that boy and made him feel like a man, gave him purpose and reason to wake up every single day. She was the reason he smiled and the reason he never ever gave up on anything" I stopped as I saw a smile grow on her face "feeling better?" I kissed her head softly

"A little bit but I need to know if the boy in the story knew he changed that girls life and gave her purpose again?" Her smile crept onto her face

"Yes that boy does" I smiled before leaning down and kissing her perfect lips leaving a lingering kiss before pulling back staring into her eyes

"I think that made me feel better" she giggled softly biting her lip

"I need you to know something okay Jade?"

"What is it?"

"That I love you and need you more than a heart needs a beat you're the piece I have been missing for so long and I just want to thank you for all you do" I gave her another kiss

"Aww Sam" she said softly squeezing me tighter and closing her eyes I just knew that there is no one else id rather be with then her.


2 hours later

"Finally" I said stretching I didn't like flying to much because I always got cramps

"I can't believe we are in Paris" Jade smiled before standing up to grab her stuff

"Well tomorrow is Disney Land that will be even more exciting" I said standing up and lacing my hand in hers as she lead me off the plane

"Alright where do we go" I said softly under my breath looking for baggage claim so we could get our stuff and head to the hotel I needed some sleep.

"There" Jade pointed at the sign that clearly said baggage claim

"What would I do without you?" I smiled before kissing the side of her head

"You'd be forever lost" she giggled as I pulled her the way we had to go, when we finally made it to baggage claim we looked for our cases before making our way out doing all the normal things we had to do.

"Now to get a cab" I said looking up and down the entrance for a cab before spotting one and calling for it.

I walked with Jade close beside me as we got to the cab, the driver hopped out to help us with our bags before we both got in and told him where we wanted to go.

"I'm so tired" Jade said mid yawn causing me to laugh "what?" She asked hitting me

"Nothing, nothing" I continued to laugh

"Samuel" she said narrowing her eyes at me

"Just you slept literally the whole flight I didn't"

"Means nothing mister" she tried to keep a serious face but started laughing

"Don't worry we will be there soon and then me can get comfy and go to bed" I explained rubbing light circles on her arm before closing my eyes and letting the motion of the car cause me to fall asleep.


At the hotel

Jades POV

Finally after traveling for hours we had made it to our hotel and our room I was so exhausted and sleeping on the plane isn't the best.

"You ready for bed beautiful?" Sam asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind as I brushed my teeth in the bathroom

"Almost" I muttered

"Alright. I'm. going. to. hop. into. bed" he said softly kissing my neck in between each word I closed my eyes as goosebumps covered my body. he then slowly let me go leaving me as he made his way to bed. I quickly spat out my toothpaste and rinsed my mouth so I could follow

"You always do that to me" I giggled

"Do what?" He winked as he removed his shirt and got into bed

"Make me weak at the knees you know my weak point" I smiled as I took off my sweat pants leaving just my underwear and Sam's big shirt on

"Why do you do that to me?" Sam smiled as his eyes moved up and down my body

"What?" I giggled

"Tease me" he smiled before bitting his lip, I slowly climbed into bed next to him intwining my legs and fingers in his cuddling up to him and listening to the soft beat of his heart.

"I love you Samuel Charles Craske" I said softly placing a soft kiss on his chest

"And I love you Jade Amelia Thirlwall" he replied softly kissing the top of my head before I knew it my eye lids had won over and I was asleep.

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