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Harry's P.O.V

They wheeled her body to the coffin..Demi died. Her body couldn't handle much more. She passed away last night. I'm emotionless. Zayn is crying on perrie as she tries to maintain her composure. Niall can't speak, can't eat, can't function. Louis couldn't do it..He didn't show up for the funeral. He is stuck at home in his room depressed. Ele tried to cheer him up but its been a while since we've seen a Louis Tomlinson. "Harry?" said Lacy grabbing my shoulder "Huh? Oh yeah.." since me and Zayn were the inly ones that were close to her like family him and I made a speech "Demi...Malik...she was amazing. My best friend when I needed one. My sister when I wanted advice on girls..heh..she was just wonderful. Smiles everywhere. Now because of one heartfelt desicion she's gone...I love Demi...She taught me how to ask out my girlfriend. Demi MALIK will never be missed." Zayn said holding in tears as he walked off the podium patting my back. I walked into the podium and saw people that I didn't know of..."Demi...she was my first love. I'll never forget her. No matter what she is still the strongest girl I have met and she will mever ever be replaced in ny heart. I love Demi. I feel so hopeless without her. I do know one thing though. She's up there watching us. Demi will always, no matter what, be in my heart as the person who made me smile and laugh everyday." I walked out of the podium and cried on Niall's shoulder. She's gone. I miss her so much...I loved her with all my heart, because of Jacob she's gone. Thank god Lacy killed him. Nobody found his body. Nobody found the traces of blood. I'm glad about that. Demi if your hearing m y thoughts I'm going to miss you. so much. but I know your up there taking care of us.

Demi Malik is my-our angel.

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