I Told You So

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I stood up from the ground weakly grabbing my crutches that fell with me. I looked at Harry and Jacob they were punching eachother as Jacob's friend grabbed me forcefully and carried me to what I think is Jacob's car I started to scream in fear "LEAVE ME ALONE!! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" I screamed in utter agony as I tried to get out of

Derek's grip. I was as weak as a newborn baby so it was really tough to get out of his arms when I turned to Harry and Jacob my heart sank when I saw Harry beaten up fighting for me. He was fighting for me. For me. I need to do something to fight for him. I looked up at Derek he had a still face "Please I didn't do anything to you. Just put me down." I said calmly trying to persuade him to let me go "Nope." he said I simply lifted my hand pinched his nose and grabbed his hair with my other free hand "Let me go or I'll kick you" I said he shook his head again so I kneed him and slapped him he dropped me to the ground. I struggled to get up since Derek was holding onto my legs I finally stood up with my crutches and hit Derek in the stomach with my crutch he clutched onto his stomach as I trudged over to Harry who had Jacob by the neck and arms. I kicked him in the legs making him drop on the ground I then stepped on his legs and hit him in the stomach like I did to Derek. Harry grabbed my arm and helped me run to his car we quickly got in, I started to cry as all the events finally sunk in "I told you he would come for me! You could have gotten killed Harry. When we get back I think it would be best if you just stay away from me...Please...I'm begging here..." I said looking at his cheek that had a purple bruise forming his shirt bloody and ripped and his eye going black "No. Demi I will stay with you no matter what. You are my best friend I will never leave you. You need me more than ever." Harry said with a serious expression. I had no words in me to reply back I simply higged my knees, rested my head against the window, and closed my eyes crying softly letting my world crumble before me. As if it wasn't already broken enough.

We finally made it to my house, Harry helped me get off the car when we walked in the house Perrie attacked me with a bear hug "I'M SO HAPPY YOUR OKAY IF ANYTHING HAPPENED I WOULD HAVE HAD TO DEAL WITH A DEPRESSED ZAYN AND A TEARY PERRIE" she said rather quickly I giggled at her energy. After she let me go Zayn hugged me in tears I hugged him back "I'm so glad your okay...I can't believe you were this sad. Please just stay strong love" he cried on my shoulder as we embraced eachother. "Umm hi" said a different voice Zayn let go of me as a blonde haired boy walked towards me he smiled sweetly showing his braces. He is so adorable! Like a baby puppy! "My name's Niall. Niall Horan." he smiled I giggled "We met him at Nandos he is really cool." Liam said laying upside down on the couch I smiled "Nice to meet you Niall I'm Demi" I smiled feeling a bit dizzy for all this standing and what happened back at the parking lot "OH MY GOD HARRY WHAT HAPPENED!? DEMI! WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR LEG!!" Louis shouted running over to us. Harry explained everything Zayn quickly got on the phone with the police and I started to cry hysterically "Shhh everythings going to be okay..Shh" Liam and Niall consoled I shook my head "No everything is happening because of me! If I wasn't here you all woukd be happy Harry wouldn't have gotten hurt...You guys wouldn't be suffering with me here! Just. LET ME DIE ALREADY!!" I cried belistically as I trudged to the bathroom locking the door and slipping to the floor with my back on the door I hugged my knees crying to myself feeling the world cave in on me. Nothing I did went right. Now that I'm friends with Niall he will get hurt to because of me, he is such a sweet person I can't let him get hurt like that. After what they did to Harry....I just can't live with this burden of Jacob hurting the people that mean the world to me. I grabbed Zayn's razor blade and made a cut along my other wrist the one that didn't have the cut. I made the cut thin enough and deep enough so the boys won't see that I'm starting to self harm. 'They already saw you almost kill yourself and your worrying about them seeing a little cut?' I mumbled to myself as I set the blade down and stood up I rinsed off the blood and walked out of the bathroom. When I got to the couch I layed down on it feeling my head pound I closed my eyes and fell asleep...

Dreading the fact that I have to wake up for tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day...


Thanks everyone that reads my story! I will update tomorrow since I have time tomorrow:)

Comment if you would like to be Niall's girlfriend tell me a name, hair color, eye color, and height.

Thanks everyone:)


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