18. The Angel In Hell

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When my last bit of energy left me and the blue over Erik's heart faded, I brought him close, the sheet music on his chest pressed between us as I held him tight. His heart was pressed just next to mine now, mine pressing it's hand against my rib cage to reach out to him. Burying my face into his neck I attempted one last song, finding no will to restrain my voice's true sound, "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude..."

His heart made two rapid beats, the air whooshing into his nose like he was taking in the smell of my hair. And then...

It stopped.

It all stopped.

The lungs in Erik's chest stilled, the gurgles in his stomach stilled, the rush in his brain stilled...and his heart stilled.

Silence. Such ugly silence.

I pulled him tighter, feeling a pain so deep and powerful in my chest that I feared I would faint. My scream deafened the gross silence, my own heart speeding up like I had two within me.

Everything glowed a coral blue: the sheet music around us, Erik in my arms, me. My grief and devastation was leaking into everything that surrounded us, bringing it alive with sorrow.

He's gone. Erik is gone. Erik is dead.

They pried him from my arms shortly before dawn. Upon my hazy order they brought Erik to his room, washing him and dressing him in clean clothes. After they set him in the ruby red satin sheets of the swan bed, I replaced his wig over his head, smoothing out the faux ebony hair. I needed it to be perfect; Erik would have wanted it to be perfect.

I stood for a moment, looking down at his unmasked face and memorizing every little detail. Moving my gaze to the mask in my hand, I ran my fingertips over the smooth porcelain, remembering the night I had given it to him. I placed it over his face with great care, my hand caressing his cheek before obscuring it forever.

Thor's heavy step came up behind me and he politely waited for me to face him before speaking, "Alouette, I'm sorry for your loss. If there was any way to save him, you know that I would have done so."

My lips reluctantly smiling, I nodded, "I know, Thor. We did what we could do." Looking back at Erik, my smile faded slightly, "It was always clear that we were never meant to be." Looking back up at Thor, I added, "If he were alive, he would have hated me for all I did anyways." Dropping my gaze to the floor I said, "As would I."

A pause draped itself over us. It felt strange, having three people in the room and hearing only two heart beats. It's like being in the middle of a battle field after the battle is over. For miles you see people and/or beings, but the number of hearts you hear never add up to the innumerable amount of bodies you see. The Nine Realms will feel emptier now without the heart I grew accustomed to hearing. At least I was there this time Erik died.

Thor's rumbling voice drew me from my thoughts, "We can stay and let you mourn for as long as you wish."

Shaking my head, I replied, "No. You needn't wait for me. I wish to stay here."

"You want to live the next hundred years over again?"

Chuckling, I answered, "I liked this century. It's a lot simpler than the one we left."

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