The Neurosynth Deal

Start from the beginning

"No, Cole. You don't get it. We are not lovers, and we are not dating. I am a very happily married woman and I adore my husband. What we need to do has nothing to do with love. I mean, I do care about you but I don't love you in that way. I just need you for sex because of this hyper-sexuality.  I need to use you as a tool to satisfy my craving so I can calm down and feel better.  It will work for you too.  Use my body as much as you want.   We need to make a deal, a sort of neurosynth deal so we can provide therapy to each other.  My husband by himself does not have the capacity to satisfy me completely. He only partially does."

I found myself absentmindedly fondling her beautiful breasts with my left arm and touching my finger tips to her puffy nipples while I listened. She let me do what I wanted with them.

"Your proposing that we have a deal between us so that we have sex as a therapy for our neurosynth side effect?  It is not love or dating.  It is just basic sex?"

"Yes.  Cole, that is why this has nothing to do with Manda. You love Manda and you can save yourself to make love to her, just as I save my love making for my husband. You and I are not making love. We are just having sex. It's a special physical therapy or sexual therapy we need for our condition.  Its the only thing that I think that will actually work for us.  Fortunately there is a male and female of us in the same household so it keeps it simple."

"Oh, well, maybe", I said.

"Cole, when you think about it, us having sex does not really affect your virginity, I think. When people lose their virginity aren't they making love to somebody usually?  Your not doing that with me. You can save all your love making for Manda. I think making love to somebody for the first time is where you lose your virginity because you are pledging your love to someone."

"I want to save my love making for Manda. I know our sex would be love making."

"Exactly. So don't worry about having sex with me. It's just a mechanical thing, like having a massage, or rubbing yourself for sex."


"Also, I want you to know your perfectly safe with me. You don't need a condom. My tubes are tied and I have no diseases. I would prefer that you not wear a condom, actually."

"Okay, I guess."

"Yes, I need to feel everything.  Its part of what I need.  You may want to feel everything too," she said.

"So we just do it and not worry about anything?"

"Yes, Cole. I think I need that."

She turned to look at me.

"Cole, I am a good woman. Lots of guys look at me but I don't sleep around. I want to simply solve this problem in house and remain faithful to my wonderful husband. He tries real hard but he can't keep up with my hyper sexuality. I know you can. Your strong, and you need me to relieve your hyper sexuality too. We can help each other. It's just sex as a therapy to solve our mutual medical problem. I don't expect non neurosynths to understand."

"Also", she continued, "Don't think of yourself as a 15 year old kid having sex with an older woman. Remember, half of you is 72 years old!  You ...... you will be fine.  W...what we have is a really .....unusual ......special situa..."  I could hear Jill swallow. I was still absent mindedly fondling her breasts and nipples, exploring the shape, while I thought.  I was excited and breathing harder and she was turning on.

Jill started to take deeper breaths. She was getting excited and starting to tremble. I could feel myself getting hard against her leg too. The thought of possibly having real sex with this gorgeous girl was making me tremble.

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