They're Lying

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Steve POV

"Sooo....." Annabeth said when she started fidgeting with her hand. "What do you guys normally do around here"

I answered quickly because I knew that my teammates might make her uncomfortable. "Well I'm normally down here, banner is normally in his lab, Thor is normally on asgard and the rest of us are either out on missions or down here with me."

"ok" she said and went over to a chair and took out a book. I thought it was normal but everyone started staring at her with surprise in their eyes. I look back careful because I didn't want her to think all of us were weird and would stare at her a lot. Then I saw what was so weird. She was reading a book that was in a different language. It looked Greek, but this had a different feel to it. It looked almost ancient. After a few minutes of staring at her and ignoring the though I had about us being creeps, she finally looked up. She looked at us individually with her piercing gray eyes. Wait, gray eyes was she blind. No, she couldn't be, I knew she wasn't but that thought stuck in the back of my head when she finally lifted he glance off me and looked at us as a group. "Why are you staring at me."

"Your book.... it's in a different language." Black Widow said with a little concern in her eyes. I knew what she was thinking. Was this girl from another country to spy on us. Was she from the red room.

Annabeth looked down at her book and her eyes widened. "ohhh, I hadn't noticed" She quickly switched the book for a english one that was sitting in her bag. We all looked at each other until Black Widow started to approach the girl quietly as if sneaking up to her. I was sure Annabeth didn't see or hear her when the Black Widow sat down next to the girl and snatched the book from the bag. Annabeth looked up from the book for a second not even phased to see widow there. "you know I would have given you the book if you asked nicely," she said with a chuckle.

Widow was trying to read it. Every time widow's eyes grew more focused Annabeth's smile widened. Eventually Annabeth just started to straight you laugh. "You won't be able to read it even if you know greek. It's an ancient dialogue that I had to learn for school." She was trying to gasp for air because she was laughing so hard "only like 200 people in the entire world know that language so I don't think it would be important enough for you to learn at super spy school"

"Wait how did you know I was a spy if you barely knew who I was before," Natasha said.

"It's about that you and clint are assassins and the nice word for assassins is spy so I said spy," She had stopped laughing by then but still had a big cheesy smile on her face. I was still confused because Clint and Natasha were supposed to look like normal people because they were assassins.

There was a pause so I took this chance to ask "so Annabeth have you ever fought before?"

(A/N I know guys this is a short chapter. I know I am also mean because I left off at a cliffhanger. I am glad you guys read the Percy Jackson Fan Pledge. I got 40 view in under 3 hour (which is a lot for me) Thank you guys so much I will posting soon)

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