Louis frowned as Harry rejected his hug but he could definitely understand it and he wasn't upset. He sat down across from him, a small sigh escaping his lips as he put the sun screen away. "Where have you been?" He asked quietly.

Casey was still right there between the two, giggling away. "Daddy, lets go swim!" She smiled, grabbing Harry's hand.

Harry looked down at her and shook his head, smiling small. "Go play with papa, okay?" He whispered, kissing the top of her head.

Casey pouted but didn't argue as she kissed his cheek, running off to go find Niall.

Louis didn't know why but he felt a strange pang of hurt in his chest. Probably because they were acting like a proper family and that's what Louis wanted more than ever. He didn't have a family and he wanted his son too. But he didn't and it was because of him.

Harry glanced over at Louis, biting his lip gently as he watched Jackson who was probably asleep by the way he was slumped against his chest but he couldn't be sure because the sunglasses were covering his eyes. "I've um...I've just been hanging around with Gemma and...those two.." He trailed off, motioning towards Niall and Casey. Now that he said it, he felt like the biggest douchebag in the world.

Louis swallowed thickly as he glanced over at Harry, nodding. "Good, I'm ah...I'm glad you're happy with them. You two...you're cute together." He whispered, holding Jackson's' hand loosely, rubbing over his little fingers. Louis was feeling beyond hurt and a little pissed. But he decided to not act on it. Did Jackson not mean anything to Harry?

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head quickly. "We're not together." He denied, looking over at him. "I'm not dating Niall, I don't...no. He's just a good friend is all. We have a daughter together, but thats as far as it goes. Casey knows we aren't together. She just knows that Niall is papa and I'm daddy." Harry clarified, watching Jackson as he snored softly. "How is...-how have you been?" He asked softly.

Louis shrugged slightly as he looked at Harry. "Just been taking care of Jack." He whispered, a small sigh escaping his lips. "Why did you just go off like that? Is he...look." Louis sighed, sitting up a bit to look at him. "I know you're pissed at me. And you have every right to be. I said some shitty things and I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He whispered. "I know Liam wasn't a good guy and he did everything he could to break us up. Fuck he did it from the grave." Louis mumbled with a dry laugh. "I just..you can stay mad at me for as long as you want too, just please. Don't take it out on Jackson. He didn't do anything wrong and he needs you Harry."

Harry listened to Louis carefully, biting his lip gently before he shook his head. "I'm sorry. I left like a coward, just like my own dad did. I turned into the one person I wanted to be absolutely nothing like. So I'm sorry for just abandoning you both like that. Sure, Niall has my daughter, but you have my son. I love them both very much, but Casey knows Niall. She knows me too, a little bit but that isn't the point. Jackson doesn't know nobody yet. And I don't want his first memory to be one without me. I want him to know me and I want to be in his life so bad but I just felt like you shut me out. I want to be there when he first walks, first word, first crawl, first everything. I am sorry for what I did Louis and if you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me...again, I would be so grateful. And I wouldn't fuck up this time."

Louis' eyes were wide and he was trying so hard not to cry but Harry was just saying all the right things and it was completely overwhelming. "Y-You really mean a-all that?" He asked quietly, sniffling as he wiped at his eyes.

Harry nodded, standing up and sitting beside him. "Every word." He whispered, reaching up and wiping away his tears. "I just want to be apart of both your lives more than anything." Harry said softly.

Louis glanced over at him and took a shaky breath, sucking on his bottom lip. Harry seemed so sincere but he was just scared to try and trust him again. But fuck. He was so gone for this boy, he'd do anything for him.

"Okay." Louis whispered, smiling small as he looked down at Jackson, kissing the top of his head. "Okay." He repeated, glancing over at him.

Harry smiled small as he looked over at him, his eyebrow raised. "Yeah?" He whispered, reaching down and placing a piece of hair behind Jackson's ear.

"Yes! Now shut up and kiss him!" Niall called out, laughing as he held Casey on his hip, walking past them to the snack bar.

Harry rolled his eyes, smiling as he glanced over at Louis, kissing his cheek. "Later." He whispered, smiling as he ran his thumb across his cheek. "I'll show you how sorry I am." Harry promised, kissing his forehead gently.

Louis smiled at his words, nodding slowly. He slowly extended his pinky to him, a sheepish grin on his face. "Pinky promise?" He whispered.

Harry smiled impossibly wide as he hooked their pinkies together, nodding.

"Pinky promise.."

(Hiiii! Sorry for such the long wait, school has been crazy! But some smut in the next chapter! Vote, Comment and Follow! Thanks for reading!xxxx)

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