Chapter 16

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Master plan.

That's what Harry would call this. He might even be just a tad bit jealous that he didn't come up with the idea himself. But that didn't even matter. Louis was gonna be his again.

Just like it should be.

"Gem, are you sure Liam doesn't know anything about this?" Harry asked warily as he started his motorcycle, pushing his sleeves up.

Gemma smiled and nodded, handing him his helmet. "Promise. This will not fail. Just don't go too fast, alright?"

Harry rolled his eyes as he looked up at her, a small grin growing across his lips. "Me? Fast? Never." He hummed, walking over to her and hugging her tightly. "Thank you so much for everything." Harry whispered, kissing her cheek gently.

Gemma rolled her eyes and smiled happily. "I'm just so happy everything is gonna work for once. Make sure you keep me informed! I wanna be there for the birth! I love you!"

Harry smiled and nodded as he pulled away, slipping his helmet on. "Will do! Love you too!" He chirped before he got on his motorcycle, reeving up the engine for a moment.

He had missed riding his motorcycle a lot. Harry hadn't because of everything that had been going on lately.

Harry glanced back at Gemma, throwing his hand up before he sped out of the driveway.

Gemma shook her head fondly as she pulled her phone out, texting Louis.

'Plan is in motion'


Louis jumped slightly when he felt his phone buzz, looking at the message discreetly, nodding to himself. His bag was already packed and ready to go outside, hidden under the swing. Now he just had to wait for Niall before everything started to fall into place.

"Lou? Do you need me to go pick up anything before Ni gets here?" Liam asked softly as he wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his head.

Louis scrunched his face up as he looked down at the jar of nutella he was holding along with the celery stick. "Nah, I'm alright. But I think I'm gonna go out while you are with Niall. Just so you two can have bonding time, alright?"

Liam furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, tightening his grip around Louis' waist. "No. I don't think that's such a great idea." He whispered, not liking the idea of Louis being alone. What if he tried to pull something? No. Liam wouldn't allow that.

"Maybe we can take Niall with us just to make sure you are safe." Liam suggested, nodding to himself, looking down at Louis, kissing his neck gently.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled away hesitantly. He did not like the feeling of Liam on him whatsoever.

"Li, you already have a tracker on my phone. You know I won't go anywhere." Louis said softly, taking a deep breath as he turned around, wrapping his arms around his neck. "You know I would never leave you."

Liam bit his lip as he looked down at him, squeezing his waist gently. "Yeah, you're right. I'm way better than that punk will ever be. You'd be an idiot to turn to him. And besides, I will go to the police again."

Louis nodded as he leaned up, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. "I know, I know. You are the one I wanna be with. Raise our little Greyson together." He whispered, having to pour it on thick for him to believe him.

Liam smiled against his lips, nodding. "Yeah. Raise our little one." He whispered, kissing him softly before he pulled away. "Just be safe, alright?"

Louis nodded, kissing his cheek before he went to the front door, grabbing his coat. "Of course! I'll be back soon!" He called out before he stepped outside.

Louis looked around to make sure Liam wasn't looking as he grabbed his bag from under the swing, walking to his car rather quickly. He pulled his phone out quickly, texting Gemma.

'Just left, here we go'


Harry bit his lip nervously as he leaned against his motorcycle, holding his phone in his hand. "C'mon, c'mon..." He breathed, looking around.

Louis should be here any minute.

Harry looked up when he heard a car approach him in the alleyway, sitting up straighter almost immediately.

Louis' bottom lip trembled as he pulled up to the familiar motorcycle. He had to physically refrain himself from jumping out of the still moving car.

Once he put the car in park though? Fair game.

"H-Harry!" Louis whimpered, grabbing his bag before he ran towards the curly haired lad, tackling him in a hug.

Harry stumbled back slightly, laughing quietly as he hugged the smaller boy tightly, closing his eyes momentarily. "Shh..don't cry.." He cooed, rubbing his back gently.

Louis sniffled as he pulled back, smacking at his chest. "I was so worried I would never see you again!" He huffed, wiping at his eyes.

Harry smiled as he looked down at him, cupping his face gently. "You shouldn't be worried. I'll always be here for you and our little Jackson." He breathed, grinning as he reached down, placing his hands on his stomach. "He's grown so much. What is it now? Little over a month left?"

Before Louis could answer, his phone buzzed, signaling a text message from Niall.

'Got it! But he's out looking for you so you better get going!'

Louis took a deep breath, looking over at Harry. "We have to get out of here. Like now." He whispered, showing him the message.

Harry read over the message, nodding before he handed him his helmet.

"Where are we even going crazy man?" Louis asked with a small laugh, pulling the helmet over his head, holding his bag to his chest as he crawled onto the motorcycle.

Harry smiled slightly as he took Louis' phone, placing it in front of the motorcycle wheel. "To my uncles' lake house. Don't worry, Gem and I have been moving everything in, so it'll be just like you left it." He said softly, smiling as he sat behind him, reaching out and grabbing the handles.

Harry knew that Louis was safe because well. He was pretty much trapped between Harry's tattooed arms.

Louis gasped when Harry started up the motorcycle, looking up at him. "Where's your helmet!?" He called out over the roar of the engine.

Harry laughed, pushing the kickstand up. "Babe. A helmet is the farthest thing away from my mind right now." He chuckled, resting his head on his shoulder before he sped off, crushing Louis' phone to a million pieces.

Louis squealed softly, giggling as he wrapped one arm around his stomach, looking around with wide eyes. Harry wasn't going as fast as he normally would because Louis had seen him speed around town multiple times.

Harry grinned as he watched the road carefully, pursing his lips together in thought. There were only three words in his mind at the moment.

Fuck you Liam.

(Soooo, yeah! That happened! Do you really think Liam is gone for good...? Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote and follow! Thanks!(: xxxxxx)

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن