Chapter 6: Bonfire

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Artemis took to the fight with a fury. She engaged a charging Shade who held a trident in one hand and had a strange bulb of fire in its off hand. It didn't take long to find out what this was. It dodged her crossbow shot, then winded up and threw the bulb of fire, which expanded to a fireball almost instantly. Artemis teleported-she thought of it like a Dash of sorts, now that she'd gotten used to it-and the pyromancy exploded uselessly behind her. Now in front of the Shade, Artemis slashed twice, but it dodged the first one and parried the next. She rolled away from a trident thrust, and the Shade deployed its next trick. It spun with its flame hand out, releasing a ring of flames around him. Artemis jumped back, and the flames died quickly. Wasting no time, she leapt forward, slicing three times across its chest with haste, then watching in satisfaction as it began to dissolve. Artemis turned, sword ready, but she found the other Shades were well covered. Two tried their best to pursue the drake, but Luna easily darted between their legs and glided above attacks as she blasted strange, dark fireballs that seemed to do a great deal of hurt to the Shades. Closer to her however was the Aegis. He wielded the greatsword with absolute ease, batting away attacks in well-timed parries that staggered the three Shades as they circled him like hawks. Artemis Dashed behind one of his pursuers, cutting first at its corporeal knees, then slicing its head from its shoulders. Both of the other Shades turned, and Seif chose to attack. Artemis back-stepped just in time, as Seif yelled, "Duck, warrior!"
With a glint of silver and black, the greatsword sliced through their chests. Huffing, both Titan and human stood, catching their breaths, except Seif seemed to barely breathe at all as though he'd been in far more taxing situations. They turned to the drake, only to find the small reptile sitting like an old cat between a pile of pure shadow. With a final rumble, the Abyss Gate died down, and the roof of the citadel began to shake.
"I recommend we evacuate as soon as possible," said Seif, swinging the sword onto his shoulder. Artemis nodded as a nearby column crumbled on cue, scattering dust into the air. Luna bolted from the door, gliding out onto the bridge. Artemis prepared to crawl beneath the door, but Seif stepped forward and kicked the crumpled metal. It flew away with resistance akin to kicking a mouse. Seif grunted and left the citadel, Artemis followed close behind in awe.
"Shit," Artemis breathed, remembering the gap in the stone bridge. Seif looked it over, then grabbed her shoulder.
"Teleport us across, if you please." His voice was so casual, as if he were asking her to excuse him for a moment. She nodded, focusing on the other side of the bridge and breathing deeply of the rain. A flash of light and she was there, the Aegis still gripping her shoulder calmly. He removed his hand and nodded, then began to jog with his blade on his shoulder as the thunder drummed through the air behind them. Cold rain pelted her coat, but Artemis didn't care, as her thrumming heart pumped her veins with fire. In the distance, the archway loomed like a gray sentinel, and for good measure Seif dove from the bridge and rolled on the pine needles, spinning to make sure Artemis made it too.

What a curious girl, Seif wondered. Her magic felt lunar, but her long hair flowing from her golden cloak suggested something akin to a Titan and the Light they resonated; so unlike the moon's apostles. She was indeed a puzzle. Additionally, her sword work was legendary, looking as though time slowed around her and she moved at a different speed than the rest of the universe. As he strode beside her (she had long strides, even compared to him,) he breathed deeply of the Earth's smell, pulling off his helm and hooking it to his armor. A light mist, reminiscent of last night's rain like an earthquake's aftershock, dampened his face, but he didn't mind. Rain was beautiful and calm, a luxury so distant in the depths of the Abyss. He sighed, running a hand through his hair and angling his face upward.
"How is it," Seif began, ruffling his hair, "that you humans could ever get tired of rain? It's so beautiful."
He looked to his new human companion, who frowned. Her drake, Luna, by name, padded beside her, leaping over tree roots or rocks whenever a chance arose.
"Believe me, Titan, you'll get tired of it eventually." Artemis pushed her hood down and her black locks tumbled out like cubs from their mother. So goregous. How could humans get so beautiful? Maybe even more beautiful than the rain.
Seif jerked his head forward, shaking his head. Why would I think those thoughts? He thought, unsheathing his greatsword, and rolling it in his wrist.
"That thing," Artemis nodded to the blade, "is immense. How do you even find the strength to lift it?"
Seif smiled once more, than laid his blade on his shoulder. Fortunately, he knew this trick was safe, and had far beyond the strength to lift her.
"Climb on it."
"What?" Artemis looked to the sword. "On that thing?"
Seif nodded, lowering to one knee like a bow. Artemis murmured something on her breath, then placed a foot hesitantly onto of it. Not even a flinch from Seif. She was incredibly light. Laughing slightly, she balanced on top of, her breath shaking. Seif stood with ease.
"How in hell?!" Artemis exclaimed, grabbing both edges of the blade between her finger tips. She sat cross-legged, and Seif could smell her beautiful scent; leather and steel. This was effortless.
"Does this gain your trust?" Seif inquired calmly, stepping down a small hill. Artemis gripped tighter as he descended.
She was quiet for a second, then whispered, "How did you do it?"
"The gate. The portal. What was it all?"
Seif hesitated, then sighed and shook his head. "Titans all have specific posts. You know of the six Guardian Titans that guard this world? That is not nearly as many as there really are on this earth. Titans hold domains on this earth; one could compare them to human sanctuaries guarded by unseen Titans. But I was employed for a different task. You know of the Abyss, its blackness, its evil nature. Unfortunately, that is not even the tip of the, how do you say, totem, if you will. All things of the Abyss attempt to escape through the Abyss Gates. There are multiple, as it's told. Four, in fact. Ceremonially, three would be placed at the Gates, but...I was alone.
"My brethren had to be relocated, and I was alone. It was only the beasts and I; an indestructible cycle. I could not die–not for long, anyways–and the Abyss would not stop coming. freed me, I would guess. For me, I owe you everything, but I fear how the Gates will operate now." When Seif finished, he looked back at Artemis, only to find her sad face staring at him with something like empathy. Why? As far as he was concerned, she had no reason to be empathetic, but the look on her face spelled a deep sadness and regret, as though she herself had pushed her into that Pit. But she hadn't.
Artemis leaped from his sword, landing on the ground with ease and continuing to walk in silence with him. Surprisingly, he did not mind, and it was many hours, long after the hiding sun had dipped below the horizon and the dead, petrified trees were a mere memory that Artemis spoke a calm, clear: "Let's stop."

Ether and AbyssOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora