Chapter 3: Familiar

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"When the world first began, and you'll, more than likely, not believe this, there was a little island. And on this island-a small, fragile oasis in the middle of a swirling ocean of nothingness-two Dragons bred a nest of eggs, twelve in all. Out of those hatched all the gods. That island grew from the power of our newly hatched forms, stretching into a huge desert. We took our roles, Kawath growing the trees and plants, Ta'ba'keth filling the rivers and seas with water to replace the dangerous, churning liquids of chaos, and the Dragons placed two in the sky. My sister, Sun'maka, or, literally, the Sun, and I, the moon. My sister embodied the Phoenix in honor of the Dragons, and I was given the Drake; slim, fast dragons of the night."
When gods first started taking humans of favor, priests and temples rising in their names, I created the Riders. Elite humans favored by me, and given drakes to ride and fight beside in my name. They disappeared eventually, the drakes becoming just more beasts of grace, and the Riders withering in their age. Only one egg, a runt of a drake litter, was left in my honor."
Ak'havat lifted a small egg from his robes, it's surface ashen gray with white spots about the size of a dagger. The god placed it in her hands gingerly, and Artemis stared in awe as the shell began to crack. A little at the top. Then a little more at the side. Before Artemis could even pity the loss of the now-shattered masterpiece of the egg's surface, a muzzle poked out. Smoke colored and distinctly reptilian, the little nose sniffed twice and a faint mewl-like noise came from inside. The nose thrashed about, pushing the egg shell off, before two little clawed hands scrambled out, bringing with them the neck and head of the drake.
"Oh!" Artemis hated how she sounded distinctly feminine, like a spoiled princess receiving a puppy, but the drake was too cute to resist the temptation. His upper body the same smoke color as his nose, and eyes a distinct amethyst color, the dragon seemed to peel away from the egg in a swift little tumble, actually falling off the platform that was Artemis's hand until she caught him like a dropping baby bird. His tail was no thicker than a fingernail and no longer than one, and it's whole body was about the size of her palm, with short, black talons. Small wings that fluttered softly as it stood in her hand adorned either side of his scaly body, and he looked up at Artemis with curiosity, before scrambling up her Mage wraps and settling surprisingly in her coat's hood.
Ak'havat laughed as he said, "Worry not. Drakes can grow to be the size of a large horse, and will learn to communicate it's thoughts to you eventually. For now, make sure to feed it like a regular pet, and it will come to trust you. Do you have a name for it-or she rather?"
Artemis looked to the side and the drake scrambled to her shoulder to meet eyes with her. Newborn Purple on Thoughtful Brown. Then, the name was clear in Artemis's mind.
"Luna." Artemis whispered in finality, and the dragon made a noise not unlike a cat meow as she said it.
Ak'havat smiled, "A fitting name. It pains me to spoil the birth of dear Luna here, but my time is nigh, as you may see," he nodded to the setting moon, which had escaped her attention during the egg's opening, "so I must deliver my intended message. Artemis...a prophecy had arisen, and you have been selected by the gods to complete it:"
Artemis was about to ask what it was when she gasped. Ak'havat's eyes had grown misty white, and the world around her seemed to blur. The gods voice pierced her mind like a blade, pushing into her mind and thrashing around.
"Thou that open the gate art marked
Seek the Keymaster who art caged
Free the Phoenix who art frozen eternally
Hunt the Dragon who art shattered
Grant their souls freedom and usurp their power
Lest the Sword of Dark break its ancient bonds
And the Abyss Lords inherit the earth."

Artemis crumbled to her knees, and her vision went completely white for what seemed like eternity until she came to on the stone cold ground of the temple. Her head pounded, but she lifted off the ground and gazed warily around the room. Already, the morning sun flooded the temple with golden light, and Artemis speculated that the whole encounter with the moon god was only a dream. Suddenly, a weak shriek pierced the air, and Artemis looked to the altar, drawing her blade.
Luna was perched atop two things. Artemis watched the dust spin in the streak of sun slicing over the gear. Nearby, a piece of papyrus lay pinned to the altar with a small stone, and on it, in neat ink, read the words:
"Fight for the moon." And on the back, a location. Artemis smiled, looking to the fire colored coat and armor, and the sleek, ebony wood crossbow with fine silver inscriptions along the trigger and the loading mechanism. It was time to fulfill the prophecy.

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