I looked up and Austin caught my mouth in a kiss. I felt warmth blossom in my chest as he moved to stradle my body, his erection pressing into my stomach. I felt loved suddenly--I was making him hard, I was turning him on. He kissed my neck gently, trailing gentle kisses against my collarbone. His other hand slid down my body reaching my hip before he gave my bottom a firm squeeze. I moaned against his shoulder. His hand slid to my crotch next, rubbing my own excitement with the pad of his thumb through the denim. A mewl of pleasure fell from my lips and Austin chuckled. "Does that feel good, love?" he asked, tongue sliding against my ear lobe.

A shiver ran down my spine. "Yes...yes, thank you," I murmured. I tried to be respectful all the time. I didn't want to make Austin angrily when he was being so nice.

"You're very welcome. Now, lets get these pants off, yes?"

After the pants came off, the usual followed. Some grinding, some humping, then came my favorite part. It wasn't the orgasm I wanted but the bite. I knew as he got closer and closer to his own sexual peak his teeth would clamp onto my shoulder. And then, oh, the sweet relief that would follow. Not cumming, however nice that was, but rather the pain my arm would almost disappear for the next day or two. It'd go back to it's normal pain of course but I'd cherish each moment without the bothersome agony.

And I was so lucky to have a mate who was willing to grant me such a gift.


The next morning I made him toast and a some oatmeal.

I knew he didn't like it but thankfully he didn't complain. After all, how could he? He had forgotten the groceries. "I'll take you to the store this afternoon. I'm not planning on spending the whole day out," Austin said, pushing away half the bowl of oatmeal and the toast crusts. "So have the house picked up by then, okay?"

"Of course," I said, nodding my head.

He was being so sweet this morning... No comments on my dressing or weight. No snide remarks about being 'desperate'. It was all so perfect. He went off to work about twenty minutes later and I began to clean. I loved going out. It was a wonderful escape from the feeling of confinement this house gave me.

And the mating last night had sped up my healing process beautifully. My face was yellowing, as were the strap marks on my back, thighs, shoulders, and bottom. The marks on my arms were gone, leaving my normal pale creamy skin in its place. And sunglasses would cover the worse of the marks... I was humming happily under my breath as I mopped the kitchen floor when there was a knock at the door. I all but skipped over to the door, pulling it open. Chase was standing there...and he wasn't wearing a shirt.

His chest glistened with sheen of sweat. His muscular, tanned torso looked extra toned in the lighting. His abs tapered down into an V which disappeared into his low hanging jeans. The black band of his underwear situated an inch higher than the waist of the snug, well worn jeans. I let out a small squeak, suddenly away of how I was staring.

Amusement shone in Chase's eyes as he took a step in. I naturally took a step back. "Hey there Dawson," he greeted warmly. "Austin in?"

"No," I said, remembering the conversation we'd had yesterday. "Uhm, you shouldn't be here if he's not..."

"Oh really?" He quirked an eyebrow at me and I mentally face palmed.

Who the hell was I to tell the beta where he could or couldn't be? I was just some lowly omega... "I didn't mean that, sir." I gushed, praying he wouldn't kill me or tell Austin about my rudeness. "I'm sorry...so sorry. I wasn't thinking and--"

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