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Name; Megan Aleisha Harrison

Age; 16

Parents; Emma and Jack Harrison

Siblings; older brother Joshua Logan Harrison

Hobbies; Play guitar, skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding and do things with my best mates

Talents; play guitar & surfing/snowboarding

Favorit song; Six Feet Under The Stars & Small bump

Favorite band/artist; Ed Sheeran & All Time Low

Favorite type of music; Pop

Favorite color; Blue

Favorite typ of food; Nandos and Pizza

Education; Finished high school

Bio; Hello, my name is Megan and I'm from England. I live in London and I'm totally not quiet. Sometimes I'm hyperactive and weird but normal is boring. Some things in my life aren't perfect but luckily I've my best friends Beau, Demi, Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum who are there always for me.

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