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Theon Greyjoy is an extremely poor improvisor.

"I know that, Robb, but she doesn't. And she really fancies you, I think you should tell her you're-"


"Okay, okay, but I do think you should tell her. Jeyne's my friend, too, and she has the right to know!"

Robb sighs,"Won't she get upset?"

"Because we're fucking? Probably.
But it's better than leading her on,"

Robb nods and smiles and Theon kisses him gently,"I love you,"

Arya mentally kicks herself, now of all times to sneeze.

"Arya! Hey. Robb and I were just.. Practising for a.. drama performance! Very important, for Uni. What did you think? Do we pass as being in love?"

Arya grins,"In love? Completely.
Though, isn't Robb studying law? And you Medicine, with Jeyne's Westerling,"
She winks at them and leaves.

Arya thinks she is getting good at this.

Six times Arya caught her siblings in compromising positions (and the one time it happened to her)Where stories live. Discover now