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Arya had almost forgotten about the time with Sansa when she had decided to play the good-big-sister role and pick Bran up (okay, so Jon was doing the picking up- but Arya was accompanying) from the Reeds house (where she was sure his girlfriend must live, because who spent that much time with a friend? Except ,obviously, Robb with Theon- but they didn't count)

Whilst the idea of sweet, little, fifteen-year-old, Bran having a girlfriend was scary (which had nothing to do with Aryas severe lack in romantic life, because she didn't want one, she stands by her five-year-old self's opinion that boys are disgusting), Meera Reed is cool, she's in the year above Bran, but that's okay, because that means Arya (oldest in her class, as it happens)
has been in classes with her since she was four, and knows her very well.

Arya is waiting in the car, and Jon honked, so Bran knows she is outside.
She pulls her phone out and texts him

Pls get your butt out here.

Bran hurry up!!

Hannibal starts in sixteen minutes & I cant be late! I need to see wht happens to will!

Bran if u don't hurry up ill kill u

Bran we will leave. U have 2 mins

Finally, Arya gets a reply a picture text- with the caption
Hi Arya its Meera I don't think Bran is likely 2 leave soon, sorry xx

When the picture loads all Arya can make out is a slightly blurry image of two cute, short and verging on skinny, boys making out on a bed. Shirtless and very close to each other. And that one on the right looks a lot like-

BRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wht the fikc??? OMG what find you mevet tlel me ur Gaya??? Don't u trust me I'm so offended I bet u told sansa u little traitr!
[1 file attached]

"Are you okay, Arry?"

Six times Arya caught her siblings in compromising positions (and the one time it happened to her)Where stories live. Discover now