Chapter One

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I ran my finger along the jaggered lines cut into the door frame that marked my heights from when I was 2. I looked back at my now empty room all the memories flowing into me and bringing tears to my eyes. This is my home and I must leave it to go to California. The empty room that lay besides mine brought the tears to streams down my face. I love this place but it hurts too much to be here. The walls once covered in trophy surfboards and pictures were now bare and dull. I looked out the window in the kitchen to see the view of the beach for the last time.
"Goodbye my boys" I said looking towards the heavens.
"Ash are you ready sweetie?" My mother weakly said walking into the room with the remaining bags.
"I'm ready" I softly replied Wiping my tears away. My mum gave me a sympathetic look and wrapped me in her arms.
"We're going to be okay baby girl" she said kissing my forehead.
The drive to the airport was short and we as we arrived people were scattered everywhere. We grabbed out bags out and made out way to the check in.
"Flight 0987 to California your plane is now boarding" the lady over the loud speaker announced. My mum weakly smiled at me and I returned it.
"Time to start fresh" she softly said as we walked towards the plane.
We arrived in California at around lunch time and we were greeted by the warm summer sun. It's going go be weird because it's winter in Australia so I'm going to have to get used to it being Summer again. We made our way over to collect our suitcases and went on our search to find my Aunty and Uncle.
"Skye!" My Aunty Koda screamed running towards her sister.
"Omg I've missed you so much my baby sister" Aunty Koda said wrapping her arms around my Mum. She looked at me and looked stunned.
"Oh my is this our little Asher? Wow you have grown up into a stunning young lady my dear" she said embracing me in a warm hug.
"I missed you Aunt Koda" I said breathing in her warm sweet sent of flowers and the ocean.
"Brent and the kids are at home so we will head home now" she said and with that we followed her outside to her black Range Rover. Oh yeah my uncle Brent is a lawyer so they are really rich. The drive out of the city was long and soon we came to a stretch of clean beautiful beaches that looked like paintings. My mouth dropped as I looked out at the beautiful scenery. We arrived at a massive two story beach house that sat right on the water front. We got out the car and grabbed our bags and my aunt led us towards the house.
"We're back" Aunt Koda yelled through the house and suddenly Tyler came running out of no where and picked me up swinging me around.
"Asher I missed you like crazy!" He yelled swinging me around still. Tyler and I were basically like twins growing up we were born only a week apart and we spent almost every day together for 10 years until he moved to California with his family.
"I missed you too Ty" I said softly. Cory soon came walking into the room and wow he has grown up. Cory is two years younger than Ty and Myself so he's 15. Him and Tyler look so alike with light brown beach hair that comes to their ears and green sparkling eyes.
"Aw baby Cory is all grown up" my Mother said giving him a big hug and kissing his cheek. Cory cringed but smiled,
"It's nice to see you Aunty Skye" Cory said before coming up to me. I gave him a hug.
"Long time no see man" I said to my cousin.
"It sure has been a while almost 7 years" he said having to think about the answer.
Tyler showed me to my room and I unpacked everything. A Blue tie dyed bed spread covered the large beach wood bed. The room was a simple white but it was very large. I put my clothes away and hung up some posters of Sally Fitzgibbons who is my hero. Once I was done I sat on my bed and noticed a hand made dream catcher hang on the bed head. I picked it up and smiled knowing exactly who put it there.
"It just like the one you gave me when I left, it's to catch all the bad dreams" Tyler said standing at the door. I felt the tears build up in my eyes and I fought so hard to hold them back because I hate crying infront of people even if the person is like my brother. Tyler noticed and came into the room and held me.
"Ash you don't always have to be so strong it's okay, I know what you're going through it sucks" he said softly. Uncle Brent is not actually Cory and Tyler's real dad, their real Dad uncle Bryce passed away almost 7 years ago in a plane crash and that's why they moved back here to where mum and Aunty Koda grew up. That when she met uncle Brent and they had a little girl together.
"Omg how could I forget where's Maya?" I asked feeling horrible that id forgotten my younger cousin. I've never met her but she sounds like a cool kid.
"She's been so excited to meet you" Tyler said smiling at me. As if on cue a cute little blonde girl with big blue eyes wondered into the room.
"Asher!" She said running up and hugging me.
"Hey Maya how are you?" I asked hugging her back.
"I'm so great now you're here you can come surfing with me" she said and with that one word I felt my stomach turn and my eyes fill with tears. Tyler knew what was going on and told Maya to go play with Cory for a bit.
"Sorry Ash she just doesn't quite understand what happened" he said sympathetically.
"It's okay I'm going to have to get used to people talking about it, I mean I live on a beach" I said trying to put on a brave face.
"Okay get cleaned up and changed I'm going to take you to meet some of my friends" Tyler said getting up to leave the room. I obeyed his order and jumped into the shower. Once I was done and dried myself and my hair I walked over to my cupboard and put on a pair of billabong denim shorts and a loose fitting white t shirt. I put on my black thongs and put my sunnies on top of my sun bleached wavy blonde hair. I walked down the stairs to meet Tyler in the kitchen and we headed outside. Tyler walked me to a matte black Jeep Wrangler and we jumped in.
"I think I'm going to steal your car" I honesty said looking at how Beautiful it was. He had two surfboards in the back seat and I avoided looking at them. We drove for about 5 minutes until we came to skate park that over looked the beach. There was people all over the beach but only three guys who I'm assuming we're Tyler's friends were at the skate park. We walked in and all the boys turned to stare at me, I awkwardly shifted my feet around as I don't really like unnecessary attention.
"You must be Asher?" A tall curly brown haired boy said, his eyes were green like Tyler's and he had a very muscly build.
"I'm Nate" he said offering me his hand. I accepted it and smiled.
"This is Carter and Brax" Tyler said pointing to the two boys who I assumed were twins because they looked identical. They were both tall and muscly with sun bleached blonde hair and brown eyes.
"Nice to meet you" Brax said giving me a hug.
"Nice to meet you as well" I akwardly replied.
"The other guys couldn't make it cause they're working" Tyler said as we all headed over to the pipes. Carter got his board and started skating with Tyler and Nate while Brax stayed to talk with me.
"So how do you like California?" He asked smiling at me.
"It's really nice, and it's pretty" I replied I beginning to feel less shy. We talked for a little while until we decided to all head into the Main Street to get s drink. Tyler gave me a long board from the back of his car and we all skated down the footpath. We stopped at a small juice bar and the boys walked in but I stopped as I saw a surf shop across the street that had a sign saying they needed workers.
"I'll be back Ty" I said before crossing the street.
I walked into the small store and saw all this amazing clothes and boards. I walked up to the counter to see the back of a tall and very muscly blonde boy, his sun bleached hair has beachy waves in it and came to just below his ears. He was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a white RUCA shirt that had the logo in bold black writing on the back.
"Um excuse me?" I shyly said getting the boy's attention. He turned around and dropped the surfboard that was in his hand when he saw me. His face was so amazing his jawline was so sharp and his eyes were blue like the ocean.
"Crap sorry" he said picking up the board. He placed it on the counter and then looked up to me.
"What can I do for you?" He sweetly said smiling and revealing a dimple in his left cheek. I felt my stomach do flips just looking at him.
"I just saw that you're looking for workers, I was wondering if I could apply?" I said shyly.
"You're Australian aren't you?" He said putting my question aside. I smiled sweetly as a yes as I didn't want to say too much because I'll probably say something stupid.
"Oh yes and of course you can, you don't even have to give me a resume my uncle owns this store and you seem legit so I'll give you the job now" he said giving me another sweet smile.
"Really? Thankyou so much! I'm Asher by the way" I replied feeling a lot more comfortable.
"That's a pretty name, I'm Kai" he held out his hand for me to shake and I great fully accepted it.
"You can start tomorrow morning if you'd like? I'll be working as well so I'll show you the ropes" Kai said sweetly.
"Sounds great I'll see you tomorrow" I said before heading out the door.
I met the boys back at the juice bar and sat down.
"Well now I've got a job" I said and Ty high fived me.

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