Chapter Fourteen

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I met up with Paisley after school and told her I was taking up her offer and moving in with her.

"Why, what happened?" Paisley asked as she was rushing to catch up with me.

"I can't even talk to anyone without him getting mad. He punched Luke O'Niel in the face because we were talking. I have to get to the house and get my stuff before Micah comes home. Gail isn't home, she's at work and I know he won't let me leave." I replied.

We walked in silence the rest of the way and I quickly ran into the house and got a trash bag and packed all my stuff into it.

I ran down the stairs and out the door, across the street to Paisleys.

"I'm so glad your moving in with us Eva. I look at you like your my own." Beatrice said as I entered the house.

"Thank you Beatrice." I replied and went back to Paisleys room.

"What do you think he's going to do when he gets home?" Paisley asked as she jumped up from the bed to help me with my stuff.

"I don't know. I don't think he'll come over here." I replied.

"Grandma has a spare bedroom next to mine if you want to take that room."

"Okay, do you want to help me unpack?" I asked and I already felt relieved that I was away from Micah and out of his house.


Micah's POV:

I got suspended for a week. Not like I cared right now I was mad and I needed to talk to Eva.

I walked into the house and went upstairs to find Eva. There was no sign of her though. I started looking around the bedroom ans all of her stuff was gone.

No, this can be happening. She wouldn't leave me. She wouldn't do this to me. She loves me and I love her.

I went from sad to mad very quickly and had mixed feelings. I started yelling and tearing up my room. I flipped the bed and tipped my dresser. I didn't understand.

"Micah, what are you doing?" My mother asked frantically.

"She left! She left me!" I screamed.

My mother didn't say anything She just knelt down and tried to hug me but I pushed her into the tipped dresser.

"This is why she left you Micah. This right here. You did this to yourself." My mom said and walked out of the room.

What I am going to do without her?



"How are you settling into your room Eva?" Beatrice asked me as we were sitting in the living room, eating frozen pizzas.

"I'm settling in great. Thank you for taking me in." I replied with a smile.

We continued to eat our pizza and jumped when there was a pounding at the door.

I got up and looked out the window. It was Micah.

"What do I do? It's Micah." I whispered.

"Paisley, go dial 911. Eva just go ahead and answer the door. He's not going to go away till he talks to you." Beatrice said in a whisper.

We both did as we were told and I answered the door.

"What do you want Micah?" I said.

"You need to come back home with me." He replied.

"I am home and we are over. I'm tired of your abuse, and you beating up other people, and you cheated on me. I can't do this anymore." I said and went to close the door but he stopped me.

"Eva, please don't do this. I love you. Please baby Come back with me, give me another chance." Micah pleaded.

"I gave you chance after chance and you ruined it." I tried to close the door again but he grabbed me and threw me on the porch.

I went to get up but he jumped on top of me and out his hands around my throat.

Just then the police showed up and Micah got off of me slowly with his hands up.

The cops were pointing there guns at him and when they got to him the put his hands behind his back and cuffed him.

After filling a police report I went back inside and paisley ran to me and clung to me for dear life.


I woke up to the sounds of tapping on my bedroom window.

Beatrice didn't have a two story home just a one story.

I got up and looked at my window but I didn't see anyone. I went to shut the curtains when I saw a note on the window seal.

I opened the window and grabbed the note quickly and shut it.

It read:

I'll give you time away from me. I'm sorry I hurt you but I love you and I want us to be together. Please don't turn away from our love. We shared something special. I promise I'll change, I won't hurt you anymore or anyone else. Please come back to me Eva.

I've heard him say he'd stop, I've heard him say he was sorry, I've heard all this before and it never has stopped and it's nit going to.

I crumpled up the note and threw it into a plastic bag, I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I live him but I'm not going to put myself through what my mom does.

I laid back down in my twin size bed and rested my head on the pillow. I couldn't believe he was already out of jail. Gail must have bailed him out.

It was hard to fall back asleep knowing he had just been outside my window.

I got up and wrapped my blanket around me and went to Paisleys room.

"Paisley, can I sleep in here with you?" I asked as I shook her gently to wake her up.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes and said, "how come?"

I told her about the note and she said there was no way I was sleeping in there.

I fell asleep pretty fast knowing I was with Paisley. May be she couldn't do much but someone was there with me.

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