"I am sorry Rauhan" I say before I sleep. I apologized him every night but I know he can't listen to me.

Next Day.

After breakfast Rauhan drop me to the house where my parents were for two more days. They are going back tomorrow night. When I get there they were surprised to see me but not Asim. I told him I am coming there to talk to him about the things happening in my life and how I should deal with it.

"They told you this and you didn't say anything?" He asked surprised when I told him what Rauhan's Mom told me on my second day.

"What should I say? I will still live with her son who is unhappy with me." I said rolling my eyes. We are sitting on roof.

"You should tell Rauhan about it or what that girl do with you."He said but I shook my head.

"I can't. Asim you don't understand what his Mom mean to him. He love his family and I don't want to create any difference between them. I would happily get away from him instead of telling him everything." I told him as I remember how much he love his family.

"Why are you doing this Khadija? Why are you hurting him? Why are you hurting yourself? I know what you feel for him but that doesn't mean you couldn't tell him anything because he will get angry on his Mom." He said softly. I feel my eyes watered as I remember our last fight. As I remember his red swollen eyes when he get back that night.

"Can we discuses about this later?" I asked and my voice crack. He sighed and pulled me to his side. I rested my head on his shoulder and cry silently.

After my conversation with Asim. I had lunch with my family and we talk about our memories. They also asked about my marriage life and I told them lie.I already decide when this deal is over I get far away from everyone. If anyone I want to be in contact is Asim. I will never get back to my home and burden them. I will start a new life or I don't know if I will ever forget him.

I hate to admit but I like him. His calm behavior was the reason of my liking to him. I know this is only start and I will try not to take this any further that I couldn't make myself ready to go away from him. I have to be strong if I want to see him happy.

'I will do anything to make him happy.' I promised myself.


The person you love when started to fight with you for no reason and started to ignore you, hurt you badly. You feel like someone is slicing your heart in with a sharp knife but slowly. This is what I feel when Khadija fight with me and ignore me all time. I also give up and continue as this all is going. I am giving her some time to get herself out from things she had been thinking or worrying about. She thought I was sleeping when she touch me or say sorry for hurting me. I know something is wrong with her and she is not telling me.

Last night when she sit next to me after I told her I took her today to meet her parents I feel her crying. I feel something wet on my hand and when I open my eyes I saw her wiping her face and walking out of room. Seeing her like this shot a pain in my chest but I couldn't do anything. I don't know how to ask her about what is bothering her. I don't know if she would tell me or not. However,I already decide if she didn't tell me I will use my way to know everything. I will force her if I had to but I will know what is wrong.

Right now, I am sitting in my office thinking what I should do that make her confess it. But the question I am thinking what happen that she started to fight with me or distance with me? I never see anything happen when I am at home. I am sure of one thing, whatever happen, it will happen at home because she didn't get out of house without me. We didn't have guests who bother her.

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