You Cry

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Captain America: Your best friend, (Y/BF/N), had gotten married and was expecting a baby. You had known each other since you were little, grew up together and you were the maid of honour at her wedding. One day you got a phone call from her while after you had finished up in the tower, it was late and Steve was going to be coming over soon. She had lost the baby, she was crying on the phone to you and told you she was going to name it after you. You started crying as well, and when you hung up you completely bawled your eyes out. You crawled into your bed and stayed there until Steve got there, when he found you, he almost started crying at the sight.

"Darlin, what happened?" He asked sitting on the bed and putting an arm on your back.

"(Y/BF/N)... lost they were going to name it after me-" And at that point you started sobbing again. He didn't really know what to do, he just held you until you were calm enough to talk and then stayed while you told him everything.

Iron Man: Tony was downstairs in his lab and you were bored, you were wearing a t-shirt and shorts as it was hot, no shoes or socks. You saw Tony Jr and decided to play with him for a bit, chasing him seemed a good idea at the time but after running into a table, you decided it wasn't. You caught you toe on the side of it and boy, it hurt! Tears sprang to your eyes as you called Jarvis to get Tony up from the lab, you heard his footsteps approach from the hall and he sounded as if he was running.

"What happened! Did Jarvis malfunction again? Who hurt you! Where does it hurt?" He bombarded you with questions, you just pointed to your bruising foot hoping he would get the picture. He sat you on the table and looked at your foot, while wiping away the tears that fell.

"I think you broke your toe, how the hell did you do that anyway?" He asked. You explained how it happened while he bandaged it up, he laughed at the end which resulted in him getting a playful smack to the head.

Hulk: Acid. Why did it have to be acid? It was a normal day for you and Bruce as you went into the lab together, said hello to everyone and walked to your desk so you could get to work. On your way someone was doing an experiment involving some unknown acid. They didn't realise the tube was over a flame and it exploded, making the acid fly everywhere. You arm started burning and you screamed, everyone had stopped what they were doing to come over to you. Bruce had seen what happened and rushed over to you, so did some Drs that were next to your desk. The pain was unbearable, you hated every minute of that morning. Due to your unknown power (read 'they find out something about you'), you healed faster then anyone else would. You cried as they washed the chemicals from your skin, but Bruce was there to hold your hand, your other hand that is.

Hawkeye: You were training, your wrist hurt, you thought it was nothing. However Clint could see it was hurting, and he saw how purple it was.

"Let me see your wrist"



"Because I said so" You sassed him, this went on for ages until he had had enough. He grabbed your wrist and pulled it towards him, you let out a howl of pain as he yanked your sleeve up. He immediately let go, and regretted after you let the tears fall. You got it checked out in the end and once you got back he apologised, lets just say he slept on the sofa that night.

Black Widow: Your heart hurt. You had received a letter from someone saying that Nat was going to be murdered at 5:00pm tonight. Well, it was 8:00 and there was no sign of Nat anywhere. You called Clint, he said he would get everyone to go after her, SHIELD had not seen Nat sign out yet. You were on the sofa crying, you thought you lost her. Until she came through the door and gave you the fright of your life, she saw the note and realised what happened.

"Baby I'm ho-"

"OMG YOUR ALIVE!I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" You practically screamed while pulling her into a hug. She hugged you back, and explained why she was late. Clint called off the search and you didn't leave her side for days.

Thor: Guess who had been realised on bail, Gerald. You were petrified, you knew he was going to come after you, but when. Thor saw how clingy you were to him lately and decided to question it.

"Princess, are you alright? You seem stressed lately, is there anything bothering you?"

"I'm fine Thor, really."

"Please tell me princess! I know there is something the matter"

"Gerald's been released from jail"


"I know he's after me Thor, he could be here any day now to take me from you-" Thor cut you off with a hug, and the tears came. Thor never let you go, even when you stopped, he couldn't bear loosing you again. Gerald never came back, as Thor was always there to protect you.

Loki: You had been reading all day, on your bed with Loki in a chair in the corner of the room and you had almost finished the last book. Then, the unimaginable happened, your favourite character dies. You threw the book across the room so it hit the wall, almost hitting Loki as well, and let out a annoyed moan. Loki looked up from his book and opened his arms, you got up from the bed and sat on his lap while you cried silently.

"Why do they always die, why can't they live forever?" You mumbled into Loki's shoulder.

"Its just how it is, my dear. Authors thrive on tears" He said to you. You ended up falling asleep like this, and so did Loki.

Wanda: You were afraid of storms, so when the worst storm in 10 years hit new York, Wanda knew she had to be there with you. You cried the second it started, it brought back the worst memories as a child. Wanda had never seen anyone so terrified in her life, she tried everything to calm you down but nothing would work. She ended up calling Tony to get him to get Thor to sort it out. Until that happened, she put on a movie and watched it with you. When you stopped crying, the storm had been over for a while and the movie had finished, she stayed with you all night and made sure you were okay in the morning.

Pietro: The powers, they were making you insane and SHIELD thought you were insane too. They had someone watching you at all times, at work, the park, the shops, even at home! But they crossed the line when they turned up at your dads funeral, they didn't even try and fit in with the crowd. When you started crying they told fury you had lost it, you were at a funeral for crying out loud! Pietro was with you, even he let a tear slip. Fury had said it was mandatory to keep an eye on you 24/7, but disagreed when they said you had lost it. You immediately broke down once you got home, Pietro stayed with you while Wanda was on her way over to look after you.

"I can't take it Pietro, I have no privacy anymore!"

"I will sort it out, sugar. Don't you worry" He told you.

Wanda stayed with you while he went out, he told fury that this wasn't necessary. You were fine and the agents were making her insane. Fury cut down on the agents, so you calmed down after a while and went back to work. They didn't bother you as long as Pietro was with you.




Slow update. Sorry. Vote and comment!

bye guysssss- Amy

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