C.2-I'm Late.

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  I run inside the air conditioned house, making my way up the stairs to my room. I scoop up my camera with the extra big lense and shoulder strap and gather my pictures into my book bag. When outside the midday sun beats down and threatens to redden my porcelain skin. I slowly trudge through the dead grass of our lawn and pulled out my phone. 4:15, perfect. The wolf in my pictures usually shows up around 5. I walk a ways through our abandoned little town until I get to the rainbow market. I’d never go in, like Carter said, I’d get jumped if I did, but I do make my around it to the village on the indian reservation. I know I ought to be careful not to be seen. They wouldn’t take it very lightly if they saw the palest pale-face in their village uninvited. Besides, I’m bound to stand out. My skin is so white it practically glows in the dark in comparison to the native’s tanned skin.


  I find some bushes behind an empty teepee and wait. The wolf has got to know I’m here and when he comes out I’ll finally be able to get some close up shots. I see a glimpse of black fur and spring out from behind the bush to come face to face with a very unhappy native women. Her black eyes stare into my green ones with such intensity I stumble backwards slightly, losing my balance. My book bag snags on a branch and all my photos fall out. “I-I’m so sorry...” I stutter, gathering my photos into my now ripped bag. She screams at me loudly in a language I don’t understand. I just about jump out of my skin, dropping more photos in the process.

I get up and run, as fast as I can not daring to look back. I finally stop when I get to the diner in Madras. I lean up against the building, finally catching my breath. “Alice..” I murmur to myself, “You’re so stupid.” I close my eyes and let the warm breeze tickle my pink cheeks.


  When I finally get home I’m starving and exhausted, adrenaline still pumping through my veins, but less fiercely. I fall onto my bed, pulling out my secret stash of peanut butter pretzels. I throw my mud-stained, ripped bag in front of me and and dump out all that’s left of my precious photos. I count and find I only have 11 left of my 53 photos. How could I have dropped that many? I have to go back. As much as I don’t want to, I have to go back. I’ve spent months getting those pictures. I’ll have to go back tomorrow night, when it’s dark and no one will see me. Hopefully Alicia won’t try and keep me in all night.


  The next day drags on for too long for my liking. When the last bell rings I run for the door, when Carter stops me. “Hey are you busy tonight?” He asks hopeful. I don’t want to tell him the truth, that I’m going to be at the reservation again retrieving 42 photos I left last time I was there. So I say “Um, yeah a little..you know with Alicia and all..” He doesn’t miss a beat.

“Well how about after? We can go catch a movie or something?” Well I guess after I get my photos I could..Then again I really wanted to take more photos.. “Alright.” I tell him. He smiles “Great, I’ll pick you up at 9.”


 When it finally gets dark I grab my bag and sneak out the back door. 7:50. I have a little over an hour to get my photos and come back here so Carter can pick me up for our movie. I run across my yard almost tripping over Rolo, my mom’s old dog. He yips loudly. “Sorry!” I whisper, running faster to the gate. When in Madras I check my watch again, 8:25. Carter would be at my house in half an hour and it took me almost that long to get here! I pulled out my cell, and texted him:


I quickly put my phone in my bag and ran behind the rainbow market where more than few drunk natives were sitting out front smoking.


  I quickly found the not-so-empty-teepee and went behind the bush. I found the branch that ripped my bag and carefully avoided it. Crap. It’s so dark I can barely see my own hands! I drop to my knees and pull out my cell to use as a light and find that it’s dead. Great. Just great. I start to feel around the dirty ground and find nothing. Was this the right spot? I’m sure it is, I mean that’s the branch! I hear footsteps and stand up quickly. No one’s in the teepee, What the- “AHHH!” I scream. I hard hand clamped over my mouth whilst and arm wraps around my waist like a vice. My heart starts beating a million times a minute. Dang..I really do glow in the dark. I turn slightly and see the side of a feathered headdress. Oh my gosh. Before I realize what’s happening to me, someone ties a bandana over my eyes and pushes me to an unknown destination.

*************************************Riley’s P.O.V**************************************

I stand there in the dark, my golden wolf eyes glowing. I know she can’t see me, It’s too dark. And even if she could, she wouldn’t know who I was. I mean right now I’m in my wolf form. I’ve never shifted in front of her. She hasn’t even seen me as a human. But she will soon. She has to know we are mates, and I’m her Alpha. And she’ll be my Luna.

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