Airachnid pulled herself off of the ground and narrowed her optics at the Wrecker "I was just playing with you before. But now I thinks its time to end this." with that she charged. Wheeljack waited till the assassin was close and swung his swords, but Airachnids jumped avoiding the blades, her momentum carried her over the Wrecker as she twisted around mid air and struck his back with one of her extra limbs. Wheeljack stumbled forward but recovered quickly, he turned swinging has he went, only for Airachnid to duck under the attack before landing a kick to his wound. Pain shot through Wheeljack, making him drop one of his swords. Airachnid kept up her assault with a snap kick to his faceplate before using her extra limbs to raise herself off the ground. She brought the same leg down in an axe kick, knocking Wheeljack to the ground. When Airachnid lowered her feet to the ground, she kicked away Wheeljacks remaining sword and was about to finish him when she heard him mutter something "Say again."

"I said transform and ROLL OUT!" the Wrecker transformed into vehicle mode and before Airachnid could react, he drove forward smashing into her and knocking her out of his way. Transforming back into robot mode Wheeljack winched in pain, transforming twice wasn't helping with his wound but heworked through the pain and charged ahead. Airachnid was disoriented from being run over and was unprepared for the right hook that struck her faceplate. Wheeljack threw punch after punch, each one knocking the assassin back before lading a roundhouse kick that knocked her off of her feet and into the dirt.

Airachnid was sick of this fight. Every moment she wasted on it, Jack got further away, but the Wrecker just wouldn't go down. She decided to delegate the task "Soundwave." she activated her com "I require assistance." Wheeljack recovered his swords and turned to face the assassin, but saw a ground bridge open on a hill above him and out of it came five Vehicons, the portal closed just as Airachnid joined them. "I have matters to attend to," Airachnid said transforming into her six legged mode "Deal with him." with that she left.

The lone Autobot looked up at five Vehicons as they activated their blasters "Scrap."

Autobot Base

"Theres ground bridge activity at Wheeljacks position." Ratchet said reading the console.

"Decepticon re-enforcements." Arcee said.

"Wheeljack can take em." Miko spoke up confidently.

The old medic checked the screen on his arm "Wheeljack vitals are dropping and he appears to be losing energon." that took away Mikos confidence and scared them all.

"He needs back up." Arcee said mentally cursing that she couldn't provide it herself.

Ratchet activated the com "Ratchet to Wheeljack, come in."

"Not a good time Doc." came the Wreckers voice, as well as the sound of blaster fire.

"What is your situation?" Ratchet asked "My readings show you've lost energon."

"I noticed." came Wheeljack irritated reply.

"We'll call the others to come back you up." Raf offered.

"No can do, everybody's busy with scrapping their own Con." Wheeljack said "Besides Wreckers don't call for back up, they call for clean up!" more blaster fire was heard "One down."

"Now what?" Raf asked.

"He needs back up." Arcee said firmly "Even if doesn't admit it."

"But there no one left to help him." Miko pointed out.

Arcee thought for a moment then smirked "Oh yes there is."

The Forrest

Multiple blasts struck the Vehicon taking him offline "Two down, three to go." Wheeljack said using a large tree for cover as the remaining Vehicons kept firing.

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