Chapter 63: The Last Trip To Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

When she didn't answer her brother, he tried reasoning with her again, "Is it because of the whole prophecy thing?"

Rose sighed. "Partly." She really didn't want to start thinking about growing up again.

Hugo nodded, hesitating before asking, "Rose, what's going to happen to you, Albus, Scorpius, and Holly, exactly?"

A lump form in Rose's throat. Not knowing the answer to that question terrified her. "I-I don't know, Hugo. I wish I knew."

Hugo pursed his lips and set a comforting hand on Rose's shoulder. "It's going to be okay. You're smart; you can figure out anything."

Rose smirked. "I know."

Then her bedroom door slowly creaked open, revealing their sleepy mother. When her eyes landed on her two children, she rested her hands on her hips and asked, with a small smile playing on her lips, "What are you two doing up? Is everything alright?"

Hugo gave Rose a knowing smile before replying, "Just talking, Mum. We're fine."

Their mother smiled. "Good. Now I suggest you two get back to bed. We're going to Diagon Alley first thing in the morning to shop for school supplies."

Rose yelped in surprise when Hugo gave her a hug before following their mother out of her bedroom. It felt good talking to her brother, which was a rare occasion, though she was glad she didn't discuss all of her worries with him. Hugo didn't need the thought of growing up haunting him.

Yawning, Rose climbed back under her covers and turned off her lamp, curling up in her usual sleeping position. Soon, sleep overtook her, and her worries of growing up and crazy prophecies and such temporarily appeased.

* * *

Rose beamed proudly in the mirror at her appearance, but not just because not one wrinkle or crease was apparent on her Hogwarts uniform and robes, nor was it because her hair was actually withholding its shine and sleekness for once in her life. No, the culprit of her ecstatic demeanor was due to a shiny object pinned to her robes.

Her Head Girl badge.

She remembered shrieking with joy when she received the letter from Professor McGonagall in the mail telling her she was appointed Head Girl. Immediately, she wrote to Xander, Holly, and Albus, telling them the good news. Rose didn't care that she may have boasted quite a bit in those letters, because her happiness was far too great. Being a Head Boy or Girl was the greatest honor a young witch or wizard from Hogwarts could ever be presented with.

Today was the dreaded, yet momentous day. Rose's first day of her seventh year has finally arrived. Her mother had been crying all morning, officially losing it when she took in Rose's appearance and gleaming Head Girl badge. That's also around the time when her father began crying too. Rose knew her parents would be absolute wrecks when she left on the Hogwarts express for her last time.

After her mother snapped countless pictures of Rose and Hugo with both Muggle and magical cameras, it was time to depart for platform 9 and 3/4. This would be Rose's last time she would get to experience those hectic yet memorable mornings at their household preparing to leave for Hogwarts.

Holding hands, the Weasley's Apparated to King's Cross Station, where they met up with the Potter's, like the families had been doing every September 1st since Rose and Albus's first year. As expected, Aunt Ginny was in hysterics and hugging Albus for dear life, which Rose couldn't help but laugh at. She knew today was bound to be extremely emotional.

Soon, the Longbottom's arrived and joined the two families as they waited for the Hogwarts Express. Rose, quite frankly, was ready to leave already to escape the crying hoard of mothers.

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