Chapter 3- I'm the Great Wolf? What?

Start from the beginning

            I felt so guilty. I marked someone. What was I thinking? I was going to wait for Annabell. I was going to mark her, not that. A couple months ago I was so depressed that I decided to drink my worries away. Bad idea. The next morning I woke up with Brooke naked beside me, I hadn't slept with her or anyone in that matter since Annabell left which was 148 days 9 hours and 24 minutes ago. At first I shrugged it off, I mean I was upset but I saw a used condom on my floor which was good. The Moon Goddess must hate me because that's when I realized the mark on Brooke's neck. Why me.

Annabell's POV


            "What are you doing?" I asked starting to get freaked out.

            Once Jason and Cole stood back up I felt better. They looked kind of embarrassed since it's not normal for two powerful wolves to bow down to random people.

            "Can someone please explain this." I said angrily. Were they mocking me or something?

            "Sit down Annabell." Cole said patting his bed. Him and Jason were already sitting.

            "I'll stand." I said stubbornly as I crossed my arms over my chest.

            "Suit yourself." Jason said. "Go on Cole."

            "Well Annabell, I have just learned that you are the Great Wolf." Cole said bluntly. I bursted out laughing when he said this.

            "That's funny you guys. Now what's really up?" I asked seriously. They both had 'does it look like I'm joking' faces on. "Wait, seriously?" I yelled. What? That's not possible.

            The Great Wolf was a special werewolf that came around every 1000 years. It was always a girl. The Royal family of the werewolves was the bloodline that carried the Great Wolf. The Great Wolf comes every 1000 years when there is going to be something that is unbalancing the supernatural world. In 1672 the Royal family was wiped out. It seemed impossible but vampires, hunters, and rogues teamed together to wipe them out. The Royal family was badly outnumbered and were slaughtered in a matter of weeks. All distant family members were killed too. Even though the Royals had even more advanced power than all wolves none of them made it. Years after the battle alphas did everything that they could to kind a distant family member with Royal blood that hadn't died. They hadn't found a trace of anything. Since the Royals were wiped out it was believed to be the end of the Great Wolf. The Great Wolf had many special powers, invisibility, mid reading, super strength, speed, and even teleporting. The Great Wolf was immune to silver, a werewolves kryptonite. The only way a Great Wolf could die is when they chose to die. Every single Great Wolf has chosen to die when their mate dies. Since a werewolves lifespan is from 150 to 250 years Great Wolves were around for a while keeping the peace.

            "It is." Cole said looking in my eyes. "When you were getting treated when you first came here we took some of your blood. As a protocol I sent it off to the Council Members for testing. The results just got back and you are a pure blooded royal. The scientists tested your DNA even further and found the DNA of the Great Wolf."

            "You are all delusional!" I cried standing up. I went over to the door and tried to yank it open. Instead of it opening it flew off it's hinges and went crashing on the other side of the room. I felt a weird surge of power go through my entire body. "What's happening?" I cried as I looked down at my hands. They were glowing blue. I closed my eyes trying to get rid of it. Suddenly it started to snow in Cole's room.

            I looked behind me and saw Jason and Cole looking at me with wide eyes. They were also looking at the snow. They looked outside and saw it wasn't snowing, only in Cole's room.

            "I don't want all this power!" I said shaking my hands. Suddenly the snow stopped and disappeared.

            "Oh my goddess." Both of them said at the same time. They stared at me in awe.

            "Um," I said awkwardly as I stood there. "I guess you guys were right?" I said still not knowing what to say.


Wow! 3 chapters up in less than 24 hours! I'm on a roll! Okay I know this is shorter but I need to cut to when Nate is 21 and Annabell is 19. So love it? Hate it? Hate Nate? Anything? Leave a comment :)






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