Chapter Twenty-Five

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  Balin had found Thorin in his old room, weeping, with his head bowed on top of his harp.  "Thorin, Lydia wishes to speak to you." spoke up Thorin's friend.  Thorin's head quickly snapped up, when he saw Balin in the room. "She wishes to speak to me?" said Thorin.  "Yes." said Balin.  And Thorin stood up and he left the room as he made way towards the Healing Chambers.   Thorin knocked on the door.  "Come in!" Lydia called out.  Thorin entered the chambers. "Lydia.." said Thorin, his voice emotional.  Lydia could tell Thorin had been crying, and she could feel her heart sinking, as Thorin moved closer to the bed. "Lydia, I don't know what to say, to be honest-but I'm really, truly, sorry for my actions towards you--I wouldn't blame for your anger towards me, and if you wish to leave, it's okay by me." said Thorin.  

  Lydia fell silent.  "I am leaving this night, Thorin.  Gandalf is going to be escorting me to Ered Mithrin." said Lydia.  "Are you sure this is what you wish, Lydia?" asked Thorin.  "Yes, that is what I wish, Thorin--but I will not be gone long, I will come back." said Lydia.  "You are wanting to come back?" asked Thorin, now giving Lydia a confused look.  After thinking about it for some time, Thorin finally understood Lydia's intentions of leaving Erebor.  "Lydia, I love you--no matter what happens, I will always love you! I hope you know that!" said Thorin,  placing his hand on Lydia's tear stained cheek.  Suddenly Lydia broke down openly---"Our baby is gone! Gone, Thorin! It's all my fault!!" Lydia cried out.  "No, no, no! Don't you say that Lydia! It's not your fault you lost our child! The one who should be the blame is me, Lydia, I hurt you--very badly!" said Thorin, feeling his own tears falling again.  Thorin pulled Lydia into his arms, as the two dwarves, wrapped in each other's embrace as they wept.  

  The two of them sat there for hours, and Lydia soon dozed off in Thorin's arms, as Thorin held her close to his chest,as he hummed softly to her.  "Don't worry, love--things will get better--and soon, the two of us will unite again, and you will become my Queen!" whispered Thorin, as he gently ran his fingers through Lydia's hair.   After sitting with Lydia for a while, Thorin stood up and left the room.  Once he left the room, he saw Balin standing outside the door.  "Did you two make amends?" asked Balin.  "Yes, but she's going to leave Erebor." said Thorin sadly. "WHAT? She can't just leave, lad!" exclaimed Balin.  "Don't worry, Balin.  She is not going to be away for long.  She is going home to take care of things, as you remember, she is a princess as well!" said Thorin, smiling at his friend.  Balin smiled back.  


   Early that next morning,  Lydia had left, and she realized that the Dwarves are about to embrace a large battle, so she didn't have time to say her farewells to them.   However, as she left, she ran into Gandalf and Bilbo, and she bid her farewells to them.  "Why are you leaving, Lydia? Thorin needs you!" said Bilbo.  "I know, but I have a home in Ered Mithrin, and Father needs me!" said Lydia.  "Father? I thought your father died?" said Gandalf.  "Well, I traveled through Ered Mithrin a while back and came to discover my father is still alive. Well, this is good bye!" said Lydia.  "Lydia, do be careful out there! An Army of orcs are approaching, so try not to be seen on the road." Gandalf advises Lydia.  "Don't worry, I'll make myself invisible so I won't be seen!" said Lydia, smiling.  Bilbo grinned. "You just do that! It always works for me!" said Bilbo.  Lydia laughed, as Gandalf gazed at Bilbo with a suspicious looks.

  After saying her good byes, Lydia began her journey to Ered Mithrin, luckily without further incident.  While out on the road, she couldn't stop thinking about Thorin, each moment of the way, and wondering how he is doing in Battle.  Three days had passed, Lydia had reached Ered Mithrin, alongside with Tauriel, whom she met at the outskirts of Mirkwood, as Tauriel and Legolas volunteered to travel with Lydia to keep her Company.  Lydia told them of her miscarriage.  "Does Thorin know you miscarried?" asked Tauriel.  "Yes, and he's taking it very hard, very very hard." said Lydia.   "Is that why you had left Erebor?" asked Legolas.  "No, I left Erebor for reasons that is not related to Thorin." said Lydia. "Oh." said Legolas.   Once they arrived at the outskirts of the Dwarven Fortress, the trio stopped. "This is where we take our leave, Lydia.  We are not welcome here in Ered Mithrin.  And don't tell your father that you've been with us!" said Tauriel with a wink.  "Oh, I won't! I assure you that!" said Lydia. 

 After saying their goodbyes, Lydia entered the Dwarven Fortress, and headed straight towards the palace.  "FATHER! FATHER! Are you home?" Lydia called out.   But there was no response.  "Father? You usually greet me about this time? FATHER?!!" Lydia called out again.    "Princess, your father is not home!" snarled a dark onimous voice.  "WHO SAID THAT?!" Lydia cried out, as she spun around to find the source of the voice, but there was nobody there.   "Remember, the one whom you killed not too long ago?" the voice spoke again.  "No! It cannot be! You're supposed to be dead! DAMN IT!!" Lydia screamed as she caught on to the voice, as she knew the voice was female.   "Dead? Dead? Well, to put it this way, I'm sort of dead, but with the help of the Master, The Necromancer, he gave me my life back!" said the voice.  Suddenly a figure dressed in black robes appeared, and Lydia recognized that it is Charmaine!  "No, this cannot be happening!! NO!" Lydia screamed in anger, and Charmaine laughed.  "You just fell for that trap, didn't you, sister? Oh, and here's a friendly little reminder for you.  Don't go looking for your father! He's dead! I put his sorry little favoritisim ass out of his misery!" snarled Charmaine. 

 "YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH!!" Lydia screamed.   "Calling me names isn't going to solve anything, Lydia! You know that.  It's far too childish for me! Could we just settle this in a DEATH MATCH?!" snarled Charmaine.  "It's on, bitch!" Lydia shouted back, as she withdrawn her sword.  And now the two sisters are full blown battle, but this time Charmaine used her magic, shoving Lydia to a wall.  "Oh? Is that you're going to be? Instead of your weapons, you're going to use Magic? Well fine, try this for size, sister!!" bellowed Lydia, as she turned herself in a black dragon.  "Now its time for you to see the depths of HELL SISTER!!" bellowed Lydia, as she threw fire at her.  Soon Charmaine is surrounded in flames, as Charmaine screamed, and soon now turned into ashes.   After Lydia changed back into her normal form, she walked over to the ashes, making sure there was nothing else going to happen.  

  After that,   Lydia explored the kingdom in search for her Father.   When she entered the Throne Room, she gasped, as she indeed found her father---on the floor of the Throne Room in a puddle of Blood.  "No! Father! No, no, no, no!!!" Lydia screamed, as she knelt before her deceased Father, and wept.  Suddenly to Lydia's surprise, she could hear Gandalf speaking to her, through her thoughts. "Lydia, return to Erebor at once! Leave Ered Mithrin, you had fell into a trap! Besides that, Thorin needs you!" spoke Gandalf.   "I'm on my way, Gandalf!" said Lydia.  Lydia had decided to turn herself in a dragon again, and she spreads her wings and she took off into the sky, heading towards Erebor.  Much to her horror, she could see the large number of orcs, goblins and other creatures alongside with the armies of men, elves and dwarves already in battle.    

  Mahal, please, I hope I'm not too late! Lydia thought as she flew towards Dale.   Once she arrived in Dale, she landed, and quickly transformed back into her normal self..  After that, she quickly went to find Gandalf.   Suddenly, she bumped right into Bard, with Thranduil behind him. "Lydia! What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be in Ered Mithrin?" asked Bard. "My father's dead, I had to come back. Where is Gandalf?" asked Lydia.  "Here's over near the Great Hall with Mister Baggins!"replied Thranduil.  "Thank you!" said Lydia as she walked away. "I pity the woman.  She has went through so much in the past several days." sighed Bard.  "Thorin had better not hurt her, that's all I can say!" snarled Thranduil, and he walked away.   Shortly, Lydia caught up with Gandalf.  "Lydia! You've made it!" Gandalf exclaimed as the wizard saw Lydia approaching them.    "Yes.  I am here! Have you seen Thorin and the others?" asked Lydia.   "Make for Ravenhill,  Lydia! You will find Thorin, Fili  and Kili there!" said Gandalf.  "Thank you!" said Lydia, and she walked away.

 "Be careful, Lydia!" Bilbo called out.  


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