Chapter Seventeen

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Author's note:   The Scene with Beorn is bookverse, because I prefer bookverse Beorn over the movie (Nothing against the movie, I love the Movies and all, but I prefer the bookverse, because it's more lighter and the dwarves sing, which will also be in this chapter)

Thorin shortly caught up with Lydia, whom was now sitting down near a stream.  "Look, Lydia---I should have never yelled at you--I'm sorry, so really sorry-I've saw your sister, and I wouldn't blame you for fighting with her." said Thorin gently, as he sat down beside Lydia, and he took Lydia's hand. "You don't understand, Thorin! She's been mind torturing me for the longest time, and I told myself enough is enough, so I killed her-I hated to do it, but I had to!" said Lydia.  "Lydia, you had no other choice but to! And it was wrong and foolish of me of yelling at you.  And by the way, imur, thank you for saving me.  I didn't know what I'll do without you and Bilbo!" said Thorin.  "Wait a minute--did you just call him by his name? His actual name! All this time you've been calling him 'burglar' or Master Burglar, and you finally called him by his real name!" joked Lydia, with a grin.  "Don't push it, Lydia!" said Thorin, with a smirk, as the two of them laughed, as Thorin pulled Lydia gently into his arms. 

 After they laid there for a while, they went back and joined the others.  Gandalf has announced to the Company that they will be stopping by an old friend of Gandalf's so they can rest and gather more supplies for the next leg of their journey.   "Beorn, who is this Beorn?" asked Bilbo.  "He's a skin changer, Bilbo.  In fact, I've met him during my travels. And he also mentored me during my skin changing powers." said Lydia.  Gandalf looked at Lydia and smiled. "I never knew your powers involved skin changing!" said the wizard. "Now you know." said Lydia.  "What animal are you then, Lydia? If Beorn's a bear, what are you?" asked Fili.  "I can change into any form. In fact, if I really wanted to, I can turn myself into a dragon!" said Lydia.  "I rather you not turn yourself into a dragon, Lydia." said Thorin.  "Yes, Thorin is right---that is much too powerful of a spell for you, and more advanced! Not only that, it will take all your energy as well." said Gandalf.    And Gandalf advised the Company they should bathe and get cleaned up before arriving to the home of their host. 

  Lydia felt uncomfortable about taking a bath, since she is the only female among fifteen males, and so Lydia decided to sit shore line, as she laughed at the antics of the Dwarves.  "Lydia, you shouldn't be looking!" said Bilbo.  "It's not like I seen naked people before!" said Lydia. "You've seen someone naked before? Who?" asked the Hobbit.  Lydia laughed. "You really don't want to know.  And besides, what I seen happened a long time ago!" said Lydia.  "Oh come on, Lydia! You can tell me! Who is it that you saw naked? Was it a dwarf?" asked the Hobbit.  "Shouldn't you be taking a bath with the other's Bilbo?" said Lydia.  "Uh---I rather have my bath in private without too many people watching. I'll just wait." said Bilbo, quickly as he blushed. 

 "Why aren't you taking a bath, Lydia?" called out Fili.  "I rather have my bath alone, Fili! Thank you!" Lydia called back.    Lydia started to feel quite impatient.  These dwarves were taking quite forever with their baths, in fact, having way too much fun.  And so Lydia  decided to go find an area where she could have some privacy,so she could her bath. After taking her clothes off, she jumped into the river, and sighed with relief.  But she realized that she wasn't alone in the secluded area of the river.  She could hear a deep voice singing softly in the distance, and she instantly recognized the voice, as it belonged to Thorin! Crap! Can't I get any privacy around here at all?! Lydia thought furiously.  But suddenly, curiousity had taken over her, as she turned around and she saw Thorin, just several yards away from her, as he was running his hands through his hair, and singing softly to himself.  Lydia gasped.  She hadn't seen Thorin naked, at least in a long, long time.  And she couldn't help but stare at the Dwarf's handsome features.  

  Lydia could feel her heart racing, as she now stared at Thorin's broad masculine chest.  And she desired to swim over to touch him, but she didn't as she remained there.  Suddenly,  Thorin can sense someone's presence.  "Who's there?!" the Dwarf called out.  Lydia knew she had been had, and she wanted to swim back, when Thorin saw her.  "Lydia! I didn't know you were out here!" exclaimed the Dwarf.  "I'm sorry, Thorin! I was coming out here for some privacy, and it seems apparently this area already had been taken." said Lydia.  "There is nothing to worry about, Li! It's not like you seen me nude before!" said Thorin, grinning.  "Yes, but you don't realize that I am nude as well!" said Lydia, awkwardly.  "I don't mind that! Now stand up! I can tell you are uncomfortable crouching down like that for a long time." said Thorin.  Lydia sighed and she stood up, as she stood in front of Thorin, in naught but her fair skin.  Her long auburn hair reached down past her shoulders, and her average sized breasts, had caught Thorin's attention.  Lydia was also build, with some muscles in her arms, and her wide hips, that Thorin also admired.  

 "Beautiful!" said Thorin softly, as he moved closer to Lydia.  "Lydia, you are shivering!" said Thorin gently. "Yes, I'm cold! Maybe I better get out of here!" said Lydia, as she turned around.  "Lydia--wait!" said Thorin, as he placed his hand gently on Lydia's shoulder.  Lydia turned to face Thorin. "Let me warm you up a little!" said Thorin gently.  All of a sudden, no soon as Thorin wrapped his arms around Lydia,  Lydia threw up, and she couldn't stop vomiting.  "Lydia, let's get you out of here!" said Thorin, as he quickly picked up Lydia and carried her bridal style out of the water after she had finished throwing up. Once they came to shore,  Thorin found Lydia's clothes, which are now dried and cleaned after she washed them, and he helped Lydia get dressed. "Are you alright?" Thorin asked her.  "I don't know, Thorin.  It's weird that I thrown up all of sudden!" said Lydia, after getting dressed.  Once Thorin is dressed, he took Lydia's hand. "Come let's go back and join the others.  Bombur almost have lunch ready." said Thorin. 


  Once they arrived at the camp site, Lydia decided to eat, hopefully she would keep her food down. Thorin informed Oin that he needs to keep a close eye on Lydia as he informed the dwarven healer that Lydia had gotten sick while she was bathing, and he had to bring her back to camp.  Suddenly, Oin walked over to Lydia as he placed his hand on her forehead.  "She's not having a fever." said Oin.  "Odd." said Thorin.  "Oh, I just remembered something! This is usually about the time that I start my monthly cycle!" said Lydia.    "Well you need to keep track on that, Lydia!" advised Oin.  "I will." said Lydia.  Maybe Oin is right.  Lydia stood up, as she was about to leave the Company.  "Where are you going, lass?" asked Balin.  "I'm going to check something! I'll be right back!" said Lydia.  After she left the Company,  she went behind the trees, as she removed her trousers.  And she took notice she had not once bled.  I know my calculations are right! I usually start on this day! I better give it more time then! thought Lydia, and she walked back to the Company. 

  "Come here, Lydia! You need to get some rest!" said Thorin.  Lydia nodded, as she sat down on Thorin's lap, and she lay her head upon Thorin's chest. "Tomorrow morning, we will set out to Beorn's home.  But let me warn you, Beorn is not very fond of visitors, and he's no overly fond of dwarves either! So we're going to be showing up at his home in pairs." announced Gandalf.  "Well great! That is nice to know! You're going to take us to someone who doesn't like us! Genius plan, wizard! Sheer genius!" snapped Gloin, sarcastically.   "There is nothing for any of you to worry about! Beorn will not harm you! Especially once we tell him our story!" said Gandalf.  "I hope you keep your word on that,Gandalf!" grumbled Thorin.    The next morning, the Company woke up and they set out on their journey to Beorn's home.    

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