Chapter Two

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Erebor                                                                                                                                                                                 Lonely Mountain

   The group arrived in Erebor and entered the Mountain.  Lydia looked around in amazement, as she couldn't believe that she really is here in the Dwarven Kingdom. "This place is beautiful!" Lydia gasped.  Soon, the large double doors of the Throne Room opened, as Thorin, Balin, Dwalin and Lydia entered the Throne Room, and Lydia could see the Dwarf King sitting on his throne, smiling at all of them.  "I was wondering when you lads are going to show up! I was about to send out a search for you!" said King Thror. "We made it home, grandfather--and also we made a new friend!" spoke up the Dwarf Prince,as he looked at Lydia.  "Oh, this beautiful dwarven lady here?" said the Dwarf King, now turning his attention to Lydia.  "Yes, Grandfather! This is Lydia Silverbeard, daughter of Lord Farin and Lady Elspeth Silverbeard!  She and her sister are the only survivors!" said Thorin.   The Dwarf King looked at Lydia in amazement.  

  "Is this really true? Because I heard that everyone in that tragic ordeal died, including the daughters! How did you manage to survive?" asked King Thror.   "A wizard had taken me and my sister in when he found us out in the wild alone! And we lived with another wizard whom raised us." Lydia replied.   "Where is your sister?" asked King Thror.   "I really don't want to talk about my sister right now, Your Majesty!" said Lydia.  Which is true--she already had a hatred towards her sister after knowing Charmaine had chosen to practice the Dark arts.   And she would never forget that either, nor forgive her.    "So, Miss Silverbeard, where are you living now?" the Dwarf King continued to ask. "I live in Dale, working as a barmaid at a local Inn and Pub, which I also live in a room in the Inn!" Lydia replied.  "No, no, no! You're a princess, dear! You should live some where more decent than an Inn!" began King Thror.  "Your Majesty, my parents are long dead! I am no longer royalty!" said Lydia.

  "Just because your parents are long gone, doesn't mean you have noble blood running in your veins. You shall live here with us!" said King Thror.  "But what about my job as a barmaid?" asked Lydia.  "You don't need that kind of work, Lady Lydia.  In fact, you will be appointed as one of our advisors, in fact, you'll make a great advisor for my Grandson, Thorin here." said King Thror.  "He's already got one, Your Majesty!" said Lydia, as she looked at Balin.   "Just say yes, lass!" Balin whispered to Lydia.  Soon Lydia turned her attention back to the Dwarf King.  "I gladly accept your offer, Your Majesty!" said Lydia, as she smiled at the Dwarf King.  "Good! Good! Thorin, lad, you wouldn't mind taking Lady Lydia to her chambers?" asked the Dwarf King.  "I don't mind at all!" said Thorin. "And you shall join for supper later, I assume?" said the Dwarf King.  "I would love to join you for supper, Your Majesty!" said Lydia.   And so after that, Thorin leads Lydia down the long corridors of Erebor. 

 Once they arrived to the guest chambers, Thorin turned to Lydia and smiled. "What about my belongings Thorin? They are still in Dale!" said Lydia.  "Don't you worry about that, Lydia! I will send Dwalin for them and he will bring them to you! I will send in one of the maids, alongside with a gown for you to wear to tonight's dinner!" said Thorin.  "Thank you, your Highness! Thank you!" said Lydia.  "Please, just call me Thorin, Lydia! We are friends here." said Thorin, smiling at Lydia.  "Thank you, Thorin!" said Lydia, blushing, and she watched Thorin leave.   Two hours later, two maids arrived and with the dress Thorin had promised, and Lydia took her bath, with the assistance of the maids.   After he bath,    Lydia got dressed and the maids helped Lydia with her hair.   Once the maids had left, Lydia waited for Thorin to arrive to escort her to the Private Royal dining Hall.


 Later that same evening, Lydia joined the Royal Family for dinner, and she got to meet the rest of the family: Prince Thrain, Prince Frerin, and Princess Dis.   And Lydia became very close friends with the Dwarf Princess.  In exchange of getting to know the family more, Lydia told the family about herself, and being raised by a Brown Wizard.  But she had chosen to leave out one thing about her, she didn't want the Family to know just yet--about her magic abilities.   She feared they would shun her and send her away, if they found out they she had powers.   After supper, everyone  gathered in the living room adjoined to the dining hall, and sat around the fireplace, telling more stories.  Lydia felt quite fascinated with the stories they told, and even Thorin told one about their ancestor, Durin I.   Once Thorin finished his story telling,  Balin given the Dwarf Prince a side glance, and the two stood up and left, followed by Dwalin and Frerin. 

 Lydia looked at King Thror, as he smiled brightly at the Dwarf Princess-in Exile, and to her surprise,the Dwarves returned with musical instruments. Balin and Dwalin came in carrying viols, Frerin came in holding a hurdy gurdy, and Thorin carried in his harp, made of dark brown wood, and golden strings.  Lydia looked at the Dwarf Prince in amazement, as he placed the harp on his lap.  She didn't expect seeing a dwarf playing such a delicate instrument such as a harp.  Well it definitely matches his handsome features! thought Lydia. Soon as Thorin struck the harp,  the rest of the dwarves joined in with Thorin with their musical instruments.  The music sounded very beautiful, and Lydia watched them in awe and amazement, but she mainly focused her attention on Prince Thorin, as he began to led the dwarves in singing a old dwarven hymn.  His deep voice rose above the music. 

  Not only the song captivated  Lydia, but it was the deep rich baritone voice of the Dwarf Prince's that stunned her.   Balin chuckled softly as he noticed Lydia's reaction, as well as King Thror.  "Dwarven singing isn't a thing to miss, lassie, you're getting a real treat tonight, especially when My Grandson is singing!" said the Dwarf King.   Once the music and singing ended, Lydia clapped her hands, and she praised the dwarves of their music and singing, and she complimented Thorin on his beautiful singing and harp playing.    "Once, he sang in the Royal Chorus, alongside with Balin and Dwalin!" said King Thror proudly.  "Grandfather." said Thorin.  As the evening become much later, Lydia felt tired,as Thorin escorts Lydia to her room.  As they done so, the Dwarf Prince promised Lydia he would give her a tour of Erebor tomorrow morning.  

Spring, 2769

   A few years had passed,  as Lydia's friendship with the Royal Family have blossomed, as well as her friendship with Thorin.   In fact, their friendship had blossomed into full courtship, and they both received   a blessing from the Dwarf King, and one night, the King held a feast in their honor, announcing the Courtship.   Everyone seemed very happy, and the Kingdom ran smoothly--but up until  one day, things had started to drastically change, especially with the Dwarf King.  It began with this past year of the discovery of the Arkenstone, and the Dwarf King felt so proud and honored of having it in his possession.   But now it came to the point where the Dwarf King became obsessed, not only with the Jewel itself, but with the mounds of treasure in the Treasury and every night, the Dwarf King would lock himself in the Treasury, refusing to speak to anyone.   And whenever he wasn't in the Treasury, he would get angry with his family, and lash out for no apparent reason at all. 

 Everyone had tried everything to help the Dwarf King to overcome this sudden obsession that came over him.  They even hired healers to tried to heal him, but nothing worked.   One day,  Thorin had asked Lydia to deliver a message to his Grandfather, because Thorin had wished to speak to him. And so he had sent Lydia to find the Dwarf King, so she could deliver the message to him.  Before Lydia had left, Balin stopped her. "Lass, just be careful! We don't know if he is still having one of his spells! Dwalin and I will be right behind you in case something happens!" said Balin.  Lydia nodded, as she left Thorin's study, followed by Balin and Dwalin.  The three of them knew where exactly the Dwarf King is, as they headed towards the Treasury.  Lydia told Balin and Dwalin she would enter the Treasury alone, but she will call out of them in case she needs them.

  After that, Lydia enters the Treasury, and she could see King Thror hunching over the mounds of gold, ad murmuring to himself.  "Gold--mine!" whispered the Dwarf King.   As Lydia entered the Treasury, she could feel the fear and dread clouding over her.  She could already plainly see that the Dwarf King is under his spell again, so she had to tell him the message and leave as soon as possible. 

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