finding toast

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Vincent walked over to the first door he could find. It was his time to find the toast. It was a simple game played but a lot of other children.

Vincent's little 10 year old self looked around for a little while before he thought that the majestic hidden toast was not there. He sighed. He didn't like this game nor did he enjoy the thought of toast.

He felt his stomach twist into knots when ever he thought about it. He walked on, the group of children watched as he failed to find the toast and giggled occasionally.

Finally Vincent had enough. He decided that it was going to be in a obvious place.

The room where he started.

He walked back over to the starting point and he looked around over there and he spotted a plate on the floor. Filled with toast, he sighed.

"alright guys I found your stupid toast, can I go home now?" he asked in a very impatient way. He didn't want to be there. The lights had been dimmed so it was almost completely dark, but just enough light so you can see your hands when you put it up to your face.

"Oh come on Vinny you know the rules of the game. You have to get the toast dug! " Samantha, a girl from Vincent's school said as she giggled with a hint of insanity in it.

That made Vincent very uncomfortable. "No, no thank you. I don't eat toast. Especially when it was you jerks who made it."

Everyone sighed getting impatient with him. One boy, Jimmy took it upon him self to shove the toast into Vincent's mouth.

Chewing slowly as he glared at Jimmy, he made a look of horror as it slowly slid down his throat. It made him cough loudly. A grin came to his face.

"Haha. Hahahahaha" He screeched. His voice scratchy. Soon his pale skin turned a light shade of purple. His hair a darker Shade of black. His smile was full and had sharp pointy teeth.

The kids screamed at this horrific sight and they ran away, Vincent chasing them.

His first victim was Jessica. He pulled her sleek red hair and choked her to death, her tears turned bloody as she choked. The life in her eyes seemed to dull with each passing moment. And she was gone.

He dropped her and chased the boys laughing hysterically like it was the funniest joke in the world.

At the end of the day 10 kids were murdered and 1 went missing.

"I fucking hate toast" Vincent said as he typed the story on his computer. He coughed suddenly before adding.
"If I hear one more fucking person write on the internet that I like toast then I shall kill them slowly and painfully. Choke them like I choked that kids 20 years ago." he laughed again before shutting off his computer to get his things together.

You were his next victim because you decided it was going to be a good idea to talk about him liking toast. Now you are going to die and if I were you I would watch my back, I would watch my steps, I would shut and lock my window, lock everything.

And don't go to sleep or you won't wake up.

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