His car was nice, a bit flashy, but nice. It was a shiny black and you could tell he took great care of it. It still smelled new, but I know that he has had it since the middle of sophomore year, a Christmas present I guess. The interior was some kind of dark leather material and when you sit in the car there is just this high-tech air of it. It must be a really nice car, I thought to myself, but then again it could be total rubbish and I would never know. To the extent of my knowledge, a car is good as long as it runs. 

The engine started to life loudly, warning all of the other cars to look out. Every aspect of this car screams male. The gym bag in the back of the car, rap music blaring from the speakers and not to mention the teenager sitting in the driver's seat. 

I, finding this situation to be weird and oddly exciting, decided to lay my hands on my lap and play with my fingers. Beside me I heard Payne sigh as he turned the music down a little. 

"Casey," he started. I lifted my head and our gazes locked. In that moment, the world froze. All that existed were his beautiful eyes, shadowed with concern. He has the most beautiful eyes; they're like this endless world of blue, with a ring of brown surrounding the center. At that moment the world could have become engulfed in flames and that would be fine with me, as long as I got to sit here and look into his eyes. 

When I realized what I was doing, sitting there staring at Payne Harrington's eyes, I tore my gaze away and felt a small part of me break. 

"Yeah?" I asked, once I remembered that he called out my name, never once tearing my eyes away from my lap.

"Look, Casey, um," Payne hesitated. Payne hesitated, Payne of all people. Payne, the arrogant, naive, cocky jock that's ignored me since elementary school, hesitated.

"Yeah?" I coaxed, becoming very intrigued, but not enough to tear away my gaze from my lap.

I felt Payne's fingers on my jaw as he pulled my gaze towards him again. I saw in his eyes how troubled he was and how lost. That day I had one of my closest friends broke down in tears, I had a multitude of eggs dropped on top of my head and I had been caught in one of my weakest moments by a boy I never expected to walk into the bathroom. Yet, as my eyes started to water, a part of me knew that it wasn't for any reasons other then the struggles I saw in Payne's eyes and the unexplained emotions coursing through myself. I saw his head lean in closer to mine, but I don't think he was aware of his small action. It was then that I noticed how close our two faces were, our lips. And, as if some outside force was controlling my actions, I found myself leaning in towards his lips. They were a light pink, looking so, kissable. Kissable, I've never understood that word or how a person's lips could look that way, but looking at Payne's lips, right now, made it all make sense. It really is a good word. As I stare at his lips, the only word that comes to mind that could possibly describe them, is kissable.

I don't know if it was his lips that made that final move towards mine or vice versa, but for the second time in my life, I found my self being kissed. For the first time in my life, I found myself kissing him back.

This being only the second kiss I have ever had, I didn't know what to do, and at first I was only sitting there moving my mouth like you would see someone do on T. V. I suppose I wasn't all that bad, because Payne never broke the kiss. I may be as inexperienced as a person can get, but clearly Payne isn't, I thought to myself as he demonstrated his skill. I felt a part of me anger at the notion, even though it was true, and kissed him with more of a passion. I dared myself to open my eyes and saw not a disappointed teenager, but a passionate Payne.

I don't know what it is about his eyes, but they drive me to do crazy things. Now they drove me to deepen the kiss we shared and run my hands threw his hair. I felt his chest vibrate with approval. In retrorespect that does seem strange now, but in the light of my inexperience I didn't know what to expect from this. I felt one his hands move to my back and the other to the side of my neck.

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