Chapter 10

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I'm so excited, tonight is the night where I get to scare people. Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Foxy are going to take me, just to make sure everything runs smoothly, Nightmare this orb or whatever that follows me. Just so I can be safe when Nightmare Foxy and Nightmare Bonnie aren't around. Before that happened Nightmare Ary Beary and Nightmare Mary taught me how to fly and stuff, it was so fun. Nightmare Mysty was able to come along too. Just in case. Now I was getting ready to go to this teenagers house, his name was Jake. It was a sleepover too, perfect. Nightmare was going to teleport us to the house. "Alright you four, you ready to go?" Nightmare asked. "I'm ready I'm ready." I said hopping up and down in excitement. "Yep, we're ready." Nightmare Bonnie said. "Alright, I'll see you all later." Nightmare said. He snapped his finger and suddenly we were in a new area. "Wow where are we?" I asked. "We be in the house of that lad, they be all in his room, come on, let's watch." Nightmare Foxy said. I jumped onto Nightmare Mysty's back and we walked. It was dark in his room. I looked through the slightly open door. Well, it looks like they're telling ghost stories or something. But one story was making me interested. "Alright you guys, have you ever heard of the kid who got (her/his) frontal lobe bit off?" Jake asked. They all nodded. "Well, I heard there was a story, where you could still hear (her/his) cries as (she/he) was carried through the rooms and to Fredbear himself." He said, saying it all like it was creepy. I could almost hear the anger from Nightmare Mysty. "As the child's frontal lobe was bitten off, half of (her/his) spirit haunts this very town, getting revenge on the one named, Luke." He said.  The boy who I assumed was also named Luke shivered. "And they say if you say 1987, only 6 times, then (she/he) will appear and will attack!" He screamed making them all jump. Jake laughed. "Come on, you don't really believe in that fiction story so you?" He asked. "Yeah, the legend of the bite of 87 is the perfect story to tell people now." Said another boy. "Well I don't like it." Said the boy who I assumed was also named Luke. "Maybe we should try the ritual, I mean it's just a story right, and besides, ghosts can't hurt us." Jake said. "I don't know, maybe we shouldn't." Said another boy. I looked at my family members and smirked. "What's up (Y/N)?" Nightmare Mysty asked. "I have an idea." I said. "Oh do tell." Nightmare Bonnie said. "Just follow my lead." I said climbing off of Nightmare Mysty. I was taught that I could transform into a plushie. So whenever I'm about to be caught, I'll just turn into a cute looking plushie. I quietly went down the hall, and turned around. I began to walk back to the door. But I made scratching noises on the wall. "What was that?" Another boy asked. "I don't know, I'll go check it out." Jake said. "Hide." I whispered to them. They hid in the darkness as I turned into a plushie. Jake opened the door and looked down to me. "What the, I never knew we had a plushie in the house." Jake said. He picked me up and carried me to the others, ironically there was four boys. "Guys look what I found." Jake said. "A plushie, when did your family get a plushie?" Luke asked. "I don't know, but I'll hold on to it for now." Jake said still holding me. "Alight you guys, let's do the ritual, unless you guys are a bunch of chickens." Jake said. They all nodded. "Alight everyone, ready?" Jake asked. "Ready." All three said. "Okay here we go." Jake said. "1987, 1987, 1987, 1987, 1987, 1987." They all chanted. At first nothing happened. "Well so much for-" Jake tried to say. But I already know what to do. "Please, put me down." I said. They all jumped and looked around. "What was that?" Luke asked. "I don't know, sounds like a child." Said one of the boys. "No, please, put me down." I said again. They all stood up as Jake put me down. "Maybe it's coming from the hallway." Said the other boy. They all looked out the door. 'Alright, here I go.' I thought. The orb was hovering over me, meaning my family was keeping watch of me. I transformed into my nightmare form. I looked at the orb and winked before fake sobbing and crying. The boys froze and slowly turned to me. I was looking at the ground sobbing and crying. "Luke, you go take a closer look, maybe someone is pranking us." Jake said pushing Luke forward towards me. Luke was about to protest but kept his mouth shut. Luke nervously looked at me and walked slowly towards me. Just as he reached his hand out to me I shot up. "It's all your fault!" I screamed and lunged at him. Luke was about to scream until I bit him, right in the frontal lobe. But this time, he won't be surviving like me. He soon stopped moving as I looked at the others and attacked them. Soon they were all dead. Well, so much for just scaring them. I giggled as Nightmare Foxy, Nightmare Bonnie, and Nightmare Mysty walked in. "Great job (Y/N), you got your first scare." Nightmare Bonnie said. "Yay." I said cheerfully. I hugged them. "The others are going to be so proud of you." Nightmare Mysty said. "Ye did a fantastic job on yer first try." Nightmare Foxy said. I laughed. That was the funnest time I have ever experienced.

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