"No. It was a simple ambush." It was really. As they stood in the bushes and waited for us to come for them. Once we came out most of the boys ran back for the Center while others grabbed two to three girls and pinned them to the ground.

"It was and that's what makes it cheating. You weren't even hiding and you took the hunt out of man hunt." I said taking another sip of beer.

Hudson just smirked shrugging as Julian shook with laughter. Me and Claire both reached back and hit them. They just laughed more so we rolled our eyes. I took a swig of my beer and Claire grabbed her own popped the top off and gulped down half the bottle.

A few seconds later more of our friends made their way over. Including, Jackson, Tucker, Oliver, and Puck. And Mandy, Lena, and Hillary. And yes that would be the same Hillary that used to bully Julian.

Claire wasn't in school the day Hillary shoved his head in sand so she didn't know what happened. She did see what she did to him on a daily but it wasn't as bad as that. But she believed in the whole, people could change thing. She looked a lot better now and that only made matters worse. She still had the same big red hair but she usually kept it in a rubber band. Freckles still surrounded her nose and she was pale but always had pink cheeks. And her stormy grey eyes sometimes changed colors and would be an icy blue.

I hardly talked to her because she was still quick at the mouth and rude, but I was trying.

Once they came over, we began talking, drinking, and eating. Walter got up and announced the winner of the game and all the girls howled and growled while the boys booed and roared.

We talked all night and all fell asleep tangled in each other. Except Claire and Hudson who crawled their way into the tent. Julian and I fell asleep with me lying on his chest and wrapped in his arms. Same for Tucker and Mandy. Everyone else lied strewn about the blanket. Lena and Puck had ran off awhile before we fell asleep and had yet to come back.

I was the first to wake up and man did I have a headache. I had forgotten to watch my drinking and had seven more beers. I wasn't 'hungover' per say but boy my head.

I rolled off of Julian's stomach and sat up rubbing my eyes. He groaned and rolled over still asleep. Standing I made my way to the second platform where I knew Lena kept her things every year, passing by the refreshments table and grabbing a bottle of water. I knew she kept Ibuprofen in her bag and I needed at least two. I got to the top of the platform and found her gray Pink bag. I ruffled through and found the pills. But not before I found a lone condom. I smirked and poured two orange pills into my palm.

After placing the bottle back into her bag and zipping it back up, I popped the pills into my mouth and downed half the bottle of water. Just as I put the top back on someone spoke and water came out of my nose.

I went into a coughing fit so bad tears formed in my eyes. Through tear filled eyes, I turned and looked at who scared me. "Could...you...maybe not sneak up on me while I'm drinking," I said as I coughed. I could hardly see his face since I was so teary -

"I'm sorry." - but I did recognize his voice. "But in all fairness, I didn't expect you to start dying on me."

I tried to hide the fear on my face as I looked at him. My eyes shifted momentarily to his newly bandaged hands and I flinched when he flexed his fingers. My grip on the bottle tightened as I swallowed my eyes shifting to the ground. I could still feel him looking at me as I rose from a crouch to my feet. "What do you want?" I mumbled.

"I want you to talk to me."

"Theres nothing to talk about."

"Then why can't you look at me?"

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