shinning? or dulling.

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Time skip because I'm so tired

Ashely pov

'Okay so I guess I have to meet the headmaster...then take a test see if I'm fit for being idol or a composer.Great' unpacking her book bag Ashely plays 'Get scared don't you dare forget the sun '..."knock,knock" .*Le anime vein appears* "wu€£kΩ!".....silence fills the room, only sound was now Hollywood undead Scava' .....*knock,knock*....*eye twitch* Finally pissed, Ashley stalks over to the door,then swinging the open ...."wha-...Oh hi Masato".
Masato-(-.^)"...."um headmaster is ready to see you."..."oh okay, ummm do I need to change"?..."it be best if you do.Right now." Taking the violet haired male advice, Ashely closes the door, then hurriedly grabs her shower stuff to take a 10 minute shower.

Time skip because, Masato ass tho. X'D*punched*

After taking the shower.

---Still Ashelys pov---

'I can't believe that, I have to perform a song I wrote on my first try.....hmm.....Lion or Alesana eh Alesana.' Pulling out her black guitar she walks towards the door only for it to slam open


'Is my days ever shinning or dulling?'

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