Calum - Wrong Number Darlin'

Start from the beginning

You bite your lip gently and smile to yourself.

"Thank you."


"For listening to me when you didn't have to. I'm sure you have much better things to be doing than listen to a heartbroken girl complain to you."

"It's not a problem at all, darlin'."

You grin again to yourself at the nickname.

"Well, I'll let you go, Calum. Thanks again."

"Wait! C-could I maybe uh text you after this?"

You sit in disbelief for a moment.

"Just to check up on you of course!" He adds after you remain silent for a few moments.

"Of course." You chuckle softly.

"Alright, cool, bye darlin'."

"Bye." You smile to yourself as you hang up.


You're awoken suddenly by your phone consistently ringing on your bedside table. You glance at the time to see it's nearly 3 A.M. and let out a groan, but once you see Calum's contact lighting up your phone a smile creeps onto your face and you answer happily.

"Hey Cal."

Instead of the usual 'Hey darlin'.' you're met with muffled voices and you contemplate hanging up, thinking he must have butt dialed you by mistake, but before you can hit the end button a voice comes through the speaker.

"Hey, this is Y/N, right?" A strange voice asks.

"Yes, and this is?"

"Michael!" He chirps.

"May I ask why you're calling me at 3 A.M. on Calum's phone, Michael?" You ask.

"Well, you see the boys and I are going to be in your area for a show in a few days, and Calum is just too much of a wimp to actually ask, but would you like to meet up with him?" He explains.

"Yes! Of course!" You answer a little too quickly. "I-uh-I mean yeah, whatever, that sounds cool." You shrug even though he can't see you.

Michael laughs. "You don't have to play cool, Y/N. Calum is just as crazy about you. That's why we want him to meet you. We're tired of hearing him go on and on about you."

"I feel like I should be offended." You giggle.

"No, no! Not like that!" He groans. "He just likes you a lot, but doesn't want to rush you into anything after how you guys started talking."

"How about this, Michael, just take my number from Cal's phone, and text me the details about where I can meet up with you guys, and we can surprise him, okay?" You suggest.

"Already being mischievous with me. I love you already." He laughs.

You roll your eyes and let out a soft chuckle. "Good night, Michael."

"Good night, Y/N."


"Where are you? He's getting suspicious about why we've been hanging out in this cafe for so long!" Michael mumbles into his phone.

"I'm on my way! I ran into some traffic! I'm pulling in now!" You answer before hanging up on him before he can even reply.

You take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves before you step into the cafe. You look around for them before you spot four boys seated in a booth towards the far back. Michael discreetly waves you over before him and the other two boys give Calum an excuse for their leaving. Calum groans and plays on his phone as you quietly sit down across from him.

"This booth is taken, sorry." He mumbles, not taking his eyes off his phone screen.

"Not even for your darlin'." You smile gently as his head quickly whips up at your voice.

"W-what? Ho-how? Y/N? Wait, how? Is it really you?"

You nod your head, and your smile is so wide you feel like it might break your face. Calum's eyes widen even more than you thought possible and pretty soon he's grinning from ear to ear before he gets up and sits beside you pulling you into a tight embrace.

"I can't believe it's really you." He mumbles against your ear.

"In the flesh." You giggle.

"How? How did you know I'd be here?" His brows furrow in confusion.

You smile meekly before pointing over at his three best friends. His gaze follows your pointing and he chuckles as they all walk up to your table.

"I can't believe you guys set this up." He mutters in astonishment.

"It was Michael and Y/N." Ashton smiles. "They both wanted to surprise you, and once they told Luke, and I we obviously hopped on board with the plan."

"Thank you so much." Calum beams at the boys before pulling you tighter against his body.

"Well, we'll leave the two of you alone. You've got your key card for the hotel, right Cal?" Luke asks.

"Yeah, it's in my wallet." Calum pats his wallet in his back pocket.

"Okay, well have fun you two." Luke and Ashton turn to leave with Michael following slowly behind making obscene sexual gestures at the two of you and winking.

"DON'T FORGET A CONDOM!" He shouts before stepping outside.

Your cheeks tint pink at his suggestion and you look at Calum timidly who has also turned a slight pink.

"You're really pretty in person." Calum smiles, his confidence coming back out.

"You're not so bad yourself." You smirk playfully.

The two of you spend the rest of the evening chatting away in the back of the cafe, and before you know it a server is telling the both of you that it's closing time, and you have to leave.

You sigh before slipping your jacket on. "That went a lot quicker than I thought it would."

"I don't want it to end." Calum pouts.

"There's this 24 hour ice cream parlor down the street. Wanna go? My treat?" You suggest.

"My my, is Y/N asking me on a date?" Calum cocks an eyebrow and grins mischievously.

"That depends on what your answer is." You fidget nervously as you feel the butterflies going crazy in your stomach.

Calum just grins before pecking your cheek softly and grabbing your hand to lead you out of the cafe.

"Which way?" He asks.

"To the right."

Calum takes off in a sprint, and you laugh as you chase after him.

"Wait!" You pant as he stops in front of the ice cream parlor.

"You're slow." He teases.

"Just get me my ice cream." You order.

"Just one large sundae, please." He tells the clerk as he keeps your hand in his.

"One?" You laugh. "You obviously don't understand how much I can eat."

He laughs before taking your dessert and leading you to the outside dining area.

"This is nice." He hums as you take a spoonful of the cold, creamy treat.

"Mhm." You nod in agreement before Calum leans across the table and presses his lips against yours gently.

"S-sorry." He mutters as he pulls away.

You shake your head and sit on his lap before wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips against his once again. You can't help but shiver as the coldness of your lips meet his warm ones, and you faintly taste the vanilla ice cream on his lips. You pull back slightly and smile.

"Best wrong number call I've ever made."

"You can say that again, darlin." He chuckles before leaning into your lips.

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