Chapter 33- The Visitors Saturday, December 20, 2014

Start from the beginning

Mia gave us a toothy smile as she said, "Okie dokie." She planted a kiss on her step-nephew head. "I love you." The baby just stared at her.

"He loves you too." Melly said, trying to make the little girl feel good about herself.

She smiled back before she rushed back to her father's side. I looked back at our son just as he started to cry, suddenly taking everyone's presence in the room, feeling overwhelmed.

"Looks like that's our cue to go." John said, laughing, rushing everyone out of the room. "See ya guys."

I waved at him as he closes the door and just like that, Danny calmed down.


After another hour of hanging with Danny, there was a knock on the wooden door.

"Come in." I said.

In came our friends bringing in lots of goodies in each of their hands. They greeted us with hugs until Danny started to cry again, feeling all the people crowd around him. I smiled, feeling incredibly gifted to have friends like them, where they are extremely supportive and reliable to call upon whenever we need them.

"Hello, peeps! We came by to bring our godchild presents, cause why not?" Mike said, raising his bag higher in the air.

I took the bag since Melly is too busy worshipping the child in her arms. I went through the light blue bag, digging my hand into the tissue paper of the same color. I pulled out a green and black, polka dots, diaper bag with a monkey as a zipper, and a mini monkey sticking out of the bag. It had nine pockets, providing us to have plenty of space to store diapers, bibs, clothes, bottles, and anything we may need when we travel with Danny. It also has a pouch to store away dirty baby clothes.

"That's so cute! Thank you so much guys!" Melly said, looking from the bag to our friends.

"No problem. Anything for the first edition of the second generation for the Black Plier. No pressure though." Mike said, causing us to laugh.

I will teach my son how to play a guitar, however, I won't hold to the standard to be interested in music like me and his mom are. I wouldn't mind him being a soccer star.

Amy was the next person to give us her present for Danny. I raised my eye at the big green bag that she's handing to me. What could possibly in there that had to make the bag so huge? I was greeted with a huge, green teddy bear. What every baby deserves; a room full of stuff animals. I took it out of the bag, examining the soft, furred, fake animal.

Turning to my son, I said, "What do you think of this, Danny? Don't you love it?"

I connected the bear's nose with my son's before pulling the bear back as I received a glare from my fiance. Even in the state of sweat, exhaustion, pain, and other things a woman who just went to labor can go through, she looks beautiful.

"Don't do that!" Melly scold, swatting my arm. I had to stifle a laugh. "I'm serious, he could suffocate like that."

"Sorry." I said, guilt immediately washing over me at the thought of that. I was just having fun. I didn't even think of that.

"It's fine." She said, turning to our friends, muttering a 'thank you'.

"There's more." Amy said.

I raised my eyebrows again as I searched through the gift bag and retrieved a Johnson & Johnson bathtime set basket. I rolled my eyes at the sight of another baby washing set tonight. Most of gifts that people gave Melly for her birthday were aimed towards helping us prepare for the baby. If it's not a washing set, it's bottles, diapers, books, educational DVD, etc. I'm not complaining, because I know they're trying to help us prepare for the coming of our son and they most likely didn't know what everyone was getting, but geez, how many present of the same thing does one baby life?

"You're going to need those products a lot during Danny's first or two years of existence." Amy said, reading my mind.

I don't know how she does that, but I just nod my head and gave her my gratitude towards her present. She nodded her head in satisfaction. It's now Jack turn to give me his present. He gave me a medium-size, white gift bag filled with music notes on it. I looked through it to see a pack of diapers and a small, white box. I got it out of the bag and opened it. There was a tiny, silver bracelet with a cross charm hanging off of it. I smiled at the sentimental souvenir. Melly touched the object with her hand, before taking it and wrapping it around our son's arm.

"That was really nice of you. Thank you." Melly said, before hugging the drummer.

"No problem. We're all in this together. Remember that, always." I heard him whisper to her.

I smiled as my friends continued to admired our son as if they were apart of the family. I mean they are, just not blood-family. They passed him around the group, each of them saying something heartfelt to baby, before realizing the nurse came in and announced that visiting hours are over. With frowns on their faces, they waved us goodbye and Melly, Danny, and I are alone once again.

Melly let out a huge yawn, stretching legs as far as it could go, before relaxing again.

"Somebody's tired," I said in a baby voice, receiving a glare from Melly. Returning to my normal voice, I said, "Why don't you hand me the child and you could go to sleep? You had a long night."

"First of all, 'the child' has a name and his name is Danny. Second of all, yeah, maybe I should go to sleep. Would you look him for me, please?" Melly asked.

"Of course." I said as she gave Danny to me. This is the second time I held him today.

"Don't frown. You're going to be a great father. You already are, I mean look at you; just being here with us and supporting us is enough. So don't doubt yourself." She said.

"How do you know I was doubting myself?" I asked. I know the answer, I just like hearing her say it.

"I've known you for seventeen years, you think I don't know you already?" She breathed as she lied back on the bed, getting herself comfortable for the night.

I just smiled and used my free hand to move the blanket to her body.

"I love you, you know that?" I asked her.

"I know." She said, leaning up to me and planting a kiss on my lips. "Don't worry, I love you too."

I kissed her again as she laid back down. I bid her goodnight, before she left me with her last words as she closed her eyes.

"You may not see it now, but you're a great father. Everything is going to be okay. Trust me." She said, before finally shutting herself down for the evening.

I looked back at the sleeping child in my arm, breathing against my chest in calm pace. I examined the feature as many words swims in my mind regarding nothing, but my new addition to my family. All of this is just one more proof that all of this real. That this isn't just a dream that I can wake up from. It's real. He's real.

While I don't doubt, Melly's words one bit, some part of me cannot help, but feel insecure. How can I not be? I'm only seventeen and I have no idea how to take care of children. The only experience I have with them is spending time with Mia, and I never had to take care of her when she was really young. Her father was the one who did most of the work. But I do know that I love Danny. I love him with all of my heart. I'd have to trade endless nights of writing songs to endless nights of changing dirty diapers. This change in my life won't be too flattering and will take some time to get used to, but it's all worth it for him. Everything that I am, everything I have is his forever, and for now, I hope that's enough.

I kissed my baby's head, and laid my head back on the pillow, resting for the first time since this morning.

Sorry for the long wait. I've been busy with school and learning to drive, I hope you like it!

I hope you like the new cover. It was made by MyInsaneMind69 on here. You should check her out as she has a really great story and that she makes really well made covers and trailers for your books. If you want a cover/trailer, go to her instagram: WxttpadTrailer. While the old one was still fine, I felt it needed a change, so here is a new one!

Until the next update, have a nice day!

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