Chapter Five - Weakness

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The snakes were restless that day. A week had passed since the child had been detained in the dungeons, and his friends were taking turns trying to convince him he should stay and be a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf, or be stuck in the dungeons forever. The blonde one, Naruto, left on a long journey to become stronger.

Naruto spent a lot of time with Sasuke before he left, but he promised he'd return.

Tsunade informed me of the Akatsuki, an organization with the aim of collecting the Tailed Beasts. Naruto, I learned, had the nine tailed fox - a kyuubi.

I was told Naruto would return in two years, but in the meantime, there was lots of work to be done. Well, apparently, not for me. I spent most of my time sitting outside Sasuke's cell silently or breaking into Tsunade's alcohol (she apparently doesn't notice when I do, or she just doesn't care).

It was mostly done, until Tsunade one day looked up from her papers with a grim expression. I was tracing the lines on my hands when I felt her sharp gaze. Looking up, I noticed she needed something. I hopped off of my chair and stood in front of her desk, expectant. She handed me a paper slowly.

... some strange creature. It looks like an otter, but just - so big. It doesn't use chakra, but manages to do something that seems to act like it...

I continued skimming.

... Land of Water... Mission possible failure... Requesting backup... Monster...

I placed the paper back onto the desk, feeling my world spin around me.

"Ren will go," I choked out. She watched me with careful eyes.

"Does our contract include loyalty to me? To my people? You will not turn against me, no matter what?" She probed me. Tsunade knew I was the only one she could send. She had to send me.

I dropped to one knee, bowing my head. "Ren is bound to Kage-nee-sama until Kage-nee-sama sees fit, or you die. Whichever comes first," I promised. She nodded and I rose hesitantly.
"Ren would like to state that there is no guarantee Ren will survive," I told her. "Ren was weak amongst other Yokai. Ren can deal with humans easily, but Ren must confess Ren feels fear from this mission," I continued. She watched me seriously, choosing her next words carefully.

"Should you fail," she started, then stopped. "Come back safe, kid." I beamed at her.

"Of course, Kage-nee-sama!" I bounced happily. I paused. "Ren doesn't know where this Land of Water is. Where is Ren going?" I tilted my head and she sighed at me. "Ren only needs a map and reference point, Ren is smart enough."

I managed to find my way to the Land of Water quick enough. I scratched at the cloth around my neck, the swirling leaf shining whenever the sun caught it. I found the team I was supporting easily; they seemed quite irritated that I, an alleged child, was sent as reinforcements. However, they did tell me where I needed to go. And so I went, fear gnawing at my heart as I approached a presence. Familiar. Family. Friend? Who?

I didn't blame whoever it was for falling so deep into darkness. I could feel the hatred in the air, almost taste it. Memories slammed against my skull.

Tearing apart flesh. Blood. Hot, red, steaming... I remember how delicious humans are.

With teeth bared fearfully, I approached a dark pool of water. Dark purple smoke rose from it - miasma, I guessed. I called out, "Sibling of mine, tell me why you hate."

The pool shivered before bursting, a large Yokai glaring down at me after his dramatic entrance was finished. My eyes widened. Tears burned.

"How - you were-"

"Ah, it's you," the voice was smooth. Familiar. I knew him. "You look so disappointed. So - afraid. But it's alright now. I won't judge you anymore. Join me in this... Madness... It's so delicious! Humans!" He cackled and I took a step back, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"You were the one who told me to stop," my voice cracked. "I won't, I won't do it anymore!" I cried, throwing my arms around myself as I shook in despair.

He hummed. "Aito, I was wrong," he told me. I felt my body shake as he called my true name. If I had to fight, I wouldn't be able to move much.

"Kanta," I whispered. The allure was strong. Hunger. Such hunger that I suppressed. The hunger I felt when I beheld a human. I fell into darkness once, yet if I did again...

This time, there would be no Kanta to drag me out.
"Kanta," I pleaded, "there is more to us than this!" I told him. His mouth curled into a dark smirk.

"I never knew you were truly a parrot. Sing to me the pretty words I told you so long ago. It matters no more." He outstretched his paws. Blood glistened in his teeth, and he wanted mine, if the glint in his eyes was any hint. "If humans were so good, I wonder how a Yokai tastes?" He asked me, shifting into a predatory stance. I swallowed my spit nervously.

"Aito," he hummed. "I'm sorry."

He launched himself at me, and I immediately felt my human disguise unravel. I ducked, rolled, already out of breath and absolutely terrified. My movements were stiff, bound by a single name. Would this be the end of me? I just woke up! And to Kanta, no less! As I ran circles, I felt hot tears on my cheeks. I didn't want to fight Kanta. It wasn't fair! It just wasn't! The one Yokai I felt I could trust with absolutely everything went evil. I decided to stop running, and his teeth enclosed on my shoulder. Searing pain exploded, but I gritted my teeth as the blood ran down my fur and stained it.

"Kanta," I merely muttered his name. I gathered everything I had within me. Every ounce of magic I had, I held within my shaking paws. Kanta withdrew from his bite. Despite him being much larger than I, he could feel the depth of my magic I drew upon. He darted forward, intent on interrupting me.
Too late.

I called upon mystical fire, dark swirling purple flames lacing forward with the intent on destruction. I fell on the ground, feeling my heart palpitate unnaturally. My hearing cut out. A ringing. Bells. My eyes began falling shut, but then I felt the pull on my ankle. Tsunade.

I only knew I was in her office from the panic in her voice. She called to me. Broken little otter, I was. I was never strong. One of the weakest.

But Kanta was awake all those years and let himself get out of practice. I was asleep. Clear were my memories. He was hazy, dark, cloudy...

I curled up and sobbed for my friend, one of the last who knew my true name. Names have power, and I let Kanta have that power. Truly, I was a fool.

AN: (: Ren, this is only the beginning. You should be happy I work with Eon on most of my writing. But since this one she's not involved... I can make my cute little OC suffer as much as I want.

The One Demon Night ParadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora