Chapter 25: A Drunk Jimmy Is Always A Fun Jimmy

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Nearing the end of the evening, Jimmy and pretty much rest of the gang besides myself were completely and utterly intoxicated, Jimmy could hardly stand. As he mentioned earlier though this was his wedding night too. My vows stated I swore to take care of him in sickness and in health - but a hangover was never mentioned. Nope he's taking care of that himself I thought taking a small sip of my diet cola. The worst thing that can happen to me is my bladder work overtime from soda. I wasn't happy about drinking it all night, but I couldn't drink water all evening without eyebrows and suspicions being raised. We had agreed to keep it a secret until it was actually born, just in case any jealous media decided to attempt to harm me or the baby.

Another one of Jimmy's frequent guest and pal Jim Parsons walked into the bar with his partner and immediately chuckled at the state of my new husband. They walked over to our booth, "Hey guys" I stood up and greeted them both. They were both very friendly people, and it was actually the first time I had met them personally. But of course saw some screening with Jimmy.

"JIM!!!!" Jimmy slurred walking or should I say stumbling over, "Hey welcome pals! God tonight is so great!" a drunk Jimmy was a even more awesome Jimmy. He would say anything without caring about it afterwards.

After the guys got their drinks and some people had left to go home, lucky them, they both joined me in the booth. Jimmy had gone up to the karaoke bar and decided to sing one of his own songs.

"Oh god!" I exclaimed placing both hands over my face.

"I'm sure its gonna be great!" Jim's partner said.

"Guys, hey everyone!" Jimmy was speaking into the microphone swaying and slurring, I wondered if I should hold him up by his arm incase he collapses. "Wanna thank my dear friends sitting over there in a booth! I uh I just got, I just got married again today and gosh, I'm so happy!" and drunk I smiled to myself. "I wrote this song well yearrrrs ago! Its a comedy song and hope you like it. Does anyone have a guitar?"

I smirked into my drink imagining how he's gonna be feeling tomorrow after I inform him he sung at a bar, if he was even aware what he was doing.

Someone passed Jimmy a guitar from backstage and he cleared his throat to begin.

It's so hard to have a conversation with you
It's not what you say or what you do
You're my real good friend
Yes, that I must admit
That's why it breaks my heart to tell you this

You spit when you talk
Oh yeah, I had to say it
Got something to say
And then you go and spray it
I got a dry-cleaning bill and I'm gonna make you pay it
You spit when you talk
Oh yeah yeah, you spit when you talk

Well, at the office party
You sang karaoke
Electrocuted yourself
Singing "Okie from Muskogee"
It's not a little secret
No, it's something that is known
If you want to talk about it
can't you call me on the phone?

Because you spit when you talk
And I'm just being honest
Everything I own
Has your saliva on it
If I talk to you much longer
I swear I'm gonna vomit
You spit when you talk
Oh yeah yeah, you spit when you talk

Now the only friends you have
Are on Facebook and on MySpace
They all talk behind your back
'Cause it's the only dry place

You were so excited at the game
When Jeter had a triple
Got my T-shirt so wet that everybody saw my nipples

You spit when you talk
And it ain't getting better
I know what you had for dinner
'Cause it's right here on my sweater

If you've got an interpreter
You'd better go and get her
You spit when you talk
Oh yeah yeah, you spit when you talk
Oh yeah yeah, you spit when you talk

The whole bar applauded and wooped, I stood and clapped, his voice was always incredible.

It was a long night, so I felt my mood go up alot when Jimmy wanted to head home after socializing with some friends and fans. I received personal numbers from some of his friends which I felt very honoured by.

I helped Jimmy out of his clothes so he was left in his pants and helped him into bed. I got myself some clean pyjamas out of the drawer. "The whole room is spinning" Jimmy chuckled keeping his eyes closed.

I smiled, "well I'm not surprised honey. I think you tested every drink the bar owned" I got under the sheets and led on my back with my arm resting on my stomach.

"I'm sorry I didn't want our wedding night to be like this" Jimmy slurred, I could literally smell the alcohol from his breath

"Don't worry! Get some sleep" I placed a kiss on his cheek and turned over so my back was towards him. Closing my eyes and falling into a comfortable sleep.

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