Chapter 27: Stripping, Its been awhile

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Jimmy got everything set up for our strip poker game in the living room. I was still very unsure about it, I felt awfully aware of my body.

I wore just a normal XL T-shirt and my very baggy sweatpants. It was by far the only clothes I found comfortable or just being in a shirt and no pants. Not suitable to walk around the house with. "Are we all set up Fallon?" I asked setting myself down on the floor with my legs spread out in front of me, again the only comfortable position I found during these times. "Yes! Gosh, I am so excited!" Sometimes I knew Jimmy was a child in a man's body. I always wanted 2 children, I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Before we begin. The card game is gonna be similar to that in my skit water wars" he said sitting down opposite me, "Okay?" I raised an eyebrow. "Which ever gets the lowest card has to remove a piece of clothing. The person with the high card keeps a piece of clothing and if we get the same card we both lose a piece of clothing. We flip at the same time, you ready?" He rubbed his hands together eager to get going. "Hang on. Bladder check" I waited a few moments looking up at the ceiling. "Okay good to go" I let out a deep breath.

The first cards we flipped were even, "Lucky break" I smirked. Jimmy huffed and shook his head. His competitive side was showing already. "Alright 1 2 3 flip!"

Damn it! I had the lowest card. "One piece of clothing. Off!" Jimmy pointed to my sweatpants. "I'm pregnant. I'm not standing up, if I lay down will you take them off for me?" I asked innocently. Jimmy raised one eyebrow then frowned. "Oh come on Jimmy! Its not like you haven't before. That's why I have this!" I pointed to my big belly. Jimmy smirked, "I love a grumpy you!" He stood up and pulled my sweatpants down.

The next few rounds both Jimmy and I were now left in our underwear. I smirked as he tried to cover himself up. "Nice pants!" I chuckled, Jimmy pulled a face and looked to me. "Alright. Whoever gets the lowest card here has to remove all underwear" he winked. I nodded in understanding. "1 2 3 flip!" we flipped our cards together and I had the lowest card. "You've rigged this!" I gasped. Jimmy laughed, "Of course I didn't!" He held his hands up and laughed. "Can you help me get out of this then?" I ask pointing to my bra and panties blushing. Normally I could manage these things on my own but not now. Jimmy nodded and scooted closer to me, he first reached around and unhooked the bra and placed it on the floor next to us. I smiled, embarrassed how my body is now looking. Next I lifted my bum up slightly and Jimmy hooked each side and swiftly pulled my panties down, my back was against the sofa so atleast I had a little support. "Thank you" I blushed. Jimmy placed his lips on mine, and looking down for a moment I could clearly see Jimmy getting turned on. He traced his index finger down my chest and over my pregnant belly, he stopped as he passed my lower abdomen. I gasped at his touch, it had been such a long time since we touched eachother. He was always too tired from work or I was having a full sickness day.

Jimmy placed a finger on my most sensitive part down there, I moaned quietly and put my head back so it was leaning against the sofa cushion. He began to rub in a circle picking up speed. "Its been a while" I said between breaths. Jimmy chuckled and stopped just when it was getting good. I groaned in frustration. "Come on, let's go to bed" he winked and helped me up off the floor. It was uncomfortable to walk because I had become very wet from arousal. I was sure though Jimmy would take good care of it. I smirked at my thoughts as we headed into the bedroom.

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