chapter 6

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“So, where are we going?” I asked Ad.

“I don’t know yet.” He said as we turned on to another street. I looked out the window and saw that we were in an up scale neighborhood and then we turned into someone’s drive. I looked at the house and saw that my garage door opening and my dad was standing there signaling for us to come in. Ad pulled into the open spot where my car was earlier that morning, we got out of the car and I ran to my dad. I was only able to get a few feet away when he said,

“We can’t talk long, I need you guys to go upstairs in a room and stay there until I say to come out.” He didn’t sound or look like his normal ‘I don’t care as long as you don’t get caught’ attitude.

“But…” Ad started to say. The look on his face was like a little kid when he is told that he can’t have any candy or a new toy.

“Not now, they are almost here to talk to Callie.” and he pushed us through the door. I was told to go to the living room while the guys were supposed to keep an eye out upstairs. Everything in the house seemed different now; there weren’t any of the brightly colored potpourri, any of the paintings that showed any sign of significance on the walls, so basically any of our decorations that showed family’s history were taken down and replaced with paintings of wolves, and forests. Which was weird because I had never seen any of them in the house before; it was always something bright and colorful.

I sat down on the couch and tried to think about all that has gone on today, when I heard the front door open and voices in the entry hall. I turned around and saw my dad in front of a small group of men and then coming in through the door last was Taverns. Why was he here? I thought. He looked around the place like he was intrigued by everything around him. He seemed different from the way he did at school; he didn’t look like he wanted to be here at all, his smooth light brown hair was going in every way possible ( like he had been running his fingers through his hair as if he was worried), and that smirk had been replaced with a business like smile. He kept his composure until he reached the living room and saw me sitting there on the couch without knowing what is happening to my life or what is about to happen. His business like look changed completely to one like a worried friend. It seemed like he was worried about what all is going to be said to me and will happen.

“Yes, she is here, as you can see.” I heard my dad say and all of those men stopped and looked at me. The looks on their faces said that they were satisfied by what they saw and then one said,

“Well, you could have made her dress a little better. She is in the presence of the Elders.” The man standing behind my dad complained.

“She looks like she came back from jogging a few minutes ago.” Another man critiqued.

“She just arrived here from lunch a few minutes ago and band practice.” He explained as he looked at me, “Isn’t that right?” There was a look in his eyes that told me to only speak when needed. I didn’t know why, but that’s what I could see. So, all I did was nod in agreement.

“Well then, I guess what she is wearing will have to do.” The second old grumpy butt said and the first grumpy man nodded in agreement. I don’t know why he had to make a comment about what I was wearing like that, but I didn’t like the way he was staring at me; like he was expecting me to stand up and do something.

“Ok then, should we get this started?” my dad asked.

“I believe so.” The first grumpy man said and he sat down across from me. I looked at him and saw that he was staring once again, and then I looked around the room and saw that the only other person that was doing the same was Taverns. But this time his worried look intensified, it seemed like he was hoping that I wouldn’t give something away; like some kind of secret that he was hiding and I somehow knew about it. Then there was my dad standing wearily in the corner of the group; it looked like he was hoping that his plan would go right, whatever it might be.

“I see that you are studying your surroundings intensely, Callie.” The old man said.

“Ok? Is that a problem?” I asked. Things were becoming strange to me now; it was like I couldn’t remember what went on earlier today. It was like something was blocking my memory of what happened; I could vaguely remember who all was there.

“No of course not, my dear.” he smiled a smile that would make a baby cringe, “It is amazing to see how much you have changed since you first came here fifteen years ago.” He kept that same smile. There wasn’t anything that I could do to keep from looking at him, I wanted to look away from his ugly, deformed face, but something was stopping me from turning my head. “There is no need to look away, just tell me what you can read from me.”

I looked at him like he said, but I didn’t know what he meant ‘read from him.’ Was he going to hold up flashcards for me to read out loud to him as if he couldn’t read what was on them? Then I saw everyone turn their attention to me and waited for me to say something. I looked back at the old geezer and I noticed that there was deceit, strong determination to be the leader of this weird group that they called “The Elders,” and that he will do anything to anyone that would get in his way of achieving his dream in his eyes. Was I supposed to tell him all that or did I need to say things that were the complete opposite of what I saw?

I was starting to get a little nervous about what I was going to say. I didn’t want to be harsh to the old man, because I didn’t know him that well. So, I glanced around the room to look for something comforting and then I saw Taverns staring at me. I quickly looked away before he could notice. He looked like he hoping for the best, and that he cared. It all seemed weird at the time, and then I decided that I would just say what I saw without any emotion at all.

“I saw that there was deceit, strong determination to be the leader of this group, and that you would do anything to anyone who would get in your way of achieving what you want. That was all I saw.” But instead of sounding emotionless, it came out harsh and cold. The old man looked at me with horror streaked across his face and everyone was staring at him now.

“That is impossible! You couldn’t have seen all of that! You made it all up!” he yelled at me. “I only want what is best for our association and I am happy with the position I have been placed in.” and then he murmured, “Even though our leader doesn’t bother to show himself at dire times, such as this.” I could tell that he didn’t intend on anyone to hear it, but I did and I wasn’t the only one as well, Taverns did too.

“Well, is that what you the way you think of me then, Corno? I guess we‘ll have to investigate into what you do in your spare time next once we are done with the royals, won‘t we?” Someone said from the back. “I heard that last part you said about me.” Then the man stepped from behind Taverns and looked around the room. “I see you have outfitted the room to match the theme of our group, Allen.” The man said to my dad. He didn’t look as old as any of the other older men in the room maybe 15 years younger than everyone else, and he had an aura around him that showed many different feelings; it was like all of colors were jumbled up around this one person. Then he turned to me and said, “I apologize for any rude remarks made previously by any of these gentlemen. My son has told me all I need to hear, this meeting is dismissed. If there are any more questions you would like to ask do so now, if not leave. I need to talk to them alone.” After he had completed saying that all of the men stood up, bowed, and left.





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