Unexpected Changes

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Life, at times, sucks, especially when you are someone who nobody wants to be around. Even though all of your friends tell you that there are lots of people who care about you, but you just don’t want to believe it. You don’t believe anything that they say about you being wanted by them or anyone else.

That is the way my life is. Apparently I am wanted in some group, but I just can’t find it. Or even find someone who wants to be with me at all. I can’t find a reason to be around other people or even a reason to be around people at all. I just don’t see the point to it anymore. I used to get away from everyone by listening to my music, but now it seems that everything is following me through my music now. I thought that I could escape it, but it is relentless. My fears might actually come true. They are following me. I NEED A WAY OUT!!!

Unexpected ChangesWhere stories live. Discover now