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I was actually more than terrified when I saw the big door opened and a huge very huge and musculine guy behind it.

"You are?" Arrogant much ?

"I am Savannah Rose Main"

"Like the main hotels?The well known George Main?"

"I am his daughter.Or actually I used to be ."I felt a terrible feeling being born inside me.It wasn't actually as pain for the lost I have had.It was more than guilt.I knew I had already pass the point were I grieved the death of my parents.I knew it ofcourse I has more than sad from what have happened but I knew that lost.Death.Was something that faith brought.You could't change it.

" Are you deaf?"The man asked.I was so dragged into my thoughts that I wasn't listening to him.

"I may not be deaf but I am sure as hell that am not being as arrogant as you mister..?"

"Sir actually sir Ducan.And I will appreciate if you hold your mouth sat.Now follow me.The principal is waiting for you"
I followed him from behind although I felt the urge to slap him right in his stupid face .

Arrogant assholes were everywere nowdays.My old boyfrient was a pain in the ass to be exact.

As we headed through the coridors I remembered what my aunt said to me.And it was truth this school was amazing it looked like a huge castle.I actually felt like harry potter in a girls form.

The huge hallways.The large amount of classrooms that looked enormous in the inside.The windows that let the light of the day come in.It was more than amazing .It was beautiful.

When I saw the staircase that was leading to the upper floor I felt my feet shaking.They were Five Floors.I was about to search for an elevator when the Ducan Asshole stopped and finally talked to me.

"Well the principal's office is on Th fifth floor.I suggest you get up in there as soon as you can."

"Aren't you going to come with me?"

"I have class to attent miss Rose."


"Rose is more delicate and femine."
And when he said that he walked away.

"Dickhead.Rose is more delicate and femine. Ofcourse cause Ducan is so manly ." I mummble to myself and started walking up the stairs.

When I finally was on the fourth fllor the bell ranged.

Don't blame me.I am just really slow and non athletic.

The classroom doors hanged open and a large amount of student's came out.

I continue walking but I wasn't looking were I was going so I fell on something strong like a wall.Or to be more exact I bambed into someone.

As I was looking up I saw a large strong chest.As a head my way up to the person's face I couldn't handle myself from admiring what I was seeing.

When I finally get to see him I was stunned.He was hot.Like really really hot.
With his strong jawline and chickbones.His perfect lips and nose.And those beautiful green eyes.
Ohh God those eyes.

I was probably starring for far to long like a pervant when this angel shaked his hand in front of my eyes asking if I was ok.

"Emm well...
I am sorry...
Like really sorry mmm.
Very sorry.
You know like really but very?"
Oh noo nooo I messed my words again.Stuttering and saying stupid things.

Really Savannah?
Like really but very?
Who says that?

The guy chucled and raised an eyebroe while looking at me from head to toe.

I was more than embarassed.
My chicks flassed red and my eyes closed imagine how I would looked like.

With my long brown hair thin and lean body but not enough strong and hazel to green eyes,changed mostly by my mood or the weather,I was more than ordinary.

"You like what you are seeing?"
He suddenly asked.

"Well iwas seeing the staicase when your massive presence fell on me ."

"Actually you bambed on me
I haven't seen you arount before are you knew or something?"

" Am knew."

"Well miss knew I am john.John Hunter the prince around hear"he said with a grin.

"And I White.Snow White."

He chucled againand his beutiful lips turned into a huge smile.

"Well nice to meet you my princess."

The way he said "my" made my heart gone crazy.

Bye mmm
Mr Prince."

I started making my way through the crowed walking fast finally arriving to the principals office.

I knocked again and I opened the door as soon as I heard the come in typical answer.

"Hello.The told me that you asked me Sr?"

" You can call me Angous,I am the principal of Weinood High School"

"Sir Angous"I said with respect this old man had such a calm expression in his face.He convey an air of wisdom.I couldn't do anything else but be respectful to him.

" Miss Main.I can see that your recommendesions from your previous school are very well.Almost superb.Your leanings I guess are in science sector."

"Right I am intrested in science math and biology sir."

"That's great news to hear.Here in Veinwood High School we try to enlarge the knowlage of our students in every factor so you are going to be educated in all subject and at the end of every year we hand our professors an essay in a theme we choose.Is that understand?

" Yes sir."

"I hope you do great. Your schedule is here.We give you a pack of rules that you have to follow .Sadly you will have to start your day by tommorow but from now you can go to the library. "

"Ofcourse thank you .It will be ok if I call my aunt to give me a ride later?"

"Yes you can dear.You can live now."

I was realy hoping to start and maybe see that John Prince guy again but I wouldn't mind missing classes.

So I headed to the library eager to find something intresting to read.

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