New Life

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Everything was blurry,I was trying to think clearly what see said but my brain was repeating only one think.

You are alone.

I could see my aunt looking at me.She looked awful not like she used to.

I always adore my aunt,Isidora, she was always caring , kind ,strong and beautiful everything I wanted to be.

But know all I could see in her was pain.

I was in pain .

My whole world was falling apart.

"I know you want to stay alone...but your results so that you are fine and the doctor suggested we should go.
We are going to stay together if you don't mind....and after we reach home I promise to you I will give all the time you need..." my aunt said. I knewed she was trying to act as calm as she could in order to help me too.But this time it wasn't easy...

"What?I can't leave from here...I have to wait, maybe they did a mistake..."

"Savannah , my baby you know it's true you are a strong girl.You can handle it.Together we can get over it my dear."as she said that I could see that she was about to cry...

My life my whole life was in that tears.Everything that I could do for my family was to cry.And I was crying.

She hugged me so tight that I felt for real that from now on we are together.We have no one left.


We cried so much that night...
After that I was ready to live.
Ready to start .
I wouldn't be fine.I would die everyday inside.But I had to be strong for the shake of my aunt.I haven't seen here before like that and I won't let it happen again.

So I packed my bags everything that U would like to hold to my knew life.Photos of my family and my clothes.I said goodbye to my house.
Every memory , every small think that I have been through was in there and that part I was going to take it with me.

" Are you ready to go?"Isi asked.

"Yes don't worry I will be more than happy to leave."

"Your friends ? Your boyfriend? Why you haven't call them yet?"
Again the same question she had asked me that before.
The real answer was that they didn't love me. They were there for me to party and have fun and being rich all together.I didn't want that anymore.

"Oh, don't worry for that either.They are part of my old life.And I am going to start a knew one."

"That's my girl strong and beautiful.We are together Savannah maybe we are teared apart inside but we have to show something diffrent.It's sad but really important"

" I love you."

"I love you too."

She smiled and took my hand.
We left.

Driving for hours we finally reached my knew house.
It wasn't bad after all.
I will do everything for my aunt.
Not for me. I want do anything for me anymore.My aunt although has to be fine.And I will try to make her happy.

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