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Emily Jane was already at the venue at noon, six hours before the party officially started. She was dressed in old jeans and a plaid flannel button down shirt, getting her hands dirty, helping to set up whatever needed to be set up. Ornate vintage chandeliers hung from wires wrapped in thick purple fabric from the planks on the barn's ceiling. Ten round tables with seating for ten people in each table were set up around the dance floor and a makeshift "stage" where the live band was to play for the party goers all night long. Each table was covered with a chocolate brown linen. On top of each table were different sized jars with a candle in each and a vase with autumnal blooms such as brown amaranthus, orange chrysanthemums, and purple asters. Dark purple napkins were folded into an envelope shape and tucked in the pocket was the evening's menu and a sprig of aster and sat on top of the white plate chargers.

She was helping to set up the silverware when she felt someone tickle her side, almost making her drop the basket of polished spoons and forks from her grasp.

"Oh my gosh! Aiden! What are you doing here?" she asked the intruder.

"Just checking up on you," he said with a smile. "Need any help?"

"No, we're good here. I've got plenty of hands helping out. What do you think so far?"

His eyes roamed around the barn then settled back on her.


She felt her cheeks heat up and looked down, tucking stray bangs behind her ear.

"Yeah, it's coming along well. You should go. You still have to get ready for the party."

"I have my stuff here. Remember we rented out the entire B&B for the evening?"

"Yeah, I remember. I booked it," she said with one hand on her hip. "I thought you were driving your parents here?"

"Dad and Ondine can handle mom."

"Okay. I'm sorry I can't chitchat right now. Just relax or something."

"Here, let me help you," he took the basket she held against her hip.

"Aiden," she tried to reach for the basket back, but he placed it over his head, way out of her reach. "You pay me good money for this."

"We'll still pay you your good money, just let me help," he told her, widening his eyes at her.

"Okay, fine. Just follow my example, okay?"

After they set up all the silverware, Emily Jane started polishing the crystal glassware, with Aiden still helping. She couldn't complain; she was spending time with the man of her dreams. And the thing was, he looked to be enjoying her company as well! Her face showed calmness, but her heart beat was like a raging storm in the middle of a choppy ocean! If she didn't know any better, she could've sworn he could hear it beating loudly.

She and her crew as well as the vendors were finished setting up by 5 PM, plenty of time left over before the first of the guests showed up. Aiden excused himself to get changed while she also grabbed her weekend bag and went into the B&B's public restroom to change into her work outfit and to freshen up. She usually wore black trousers, a black collared long sleeved shirt, and black ballerina flats to her events, something nondescript, nothing that would take away from her work, something that would easily blend into the background. She let her hair down in long loose waves, and swiped some pink lip gloss on her lips to complete her look. She put her things away in the trunk of her car and put her earpiece in while she gave last minute instructions to the servers hired for the party.

She was just checking off something on her list when Aiden walked into the barn. He looked so smart in his black suit, grey shirt, and grey necktie. His shoes were polished and his hair just perfectly disheveled. His facial hair that was starting to grow earlier that afternoon was now completely shaven off. Emily Jane's breath hitched as she saw him.

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