Chapter 6

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Recap: I set up the course for me and Elisa. The last jump was 4'foot. I was over the jump when I lost my stirrups, and suddenly, everything went black.
We had got our schedules yesterday and today was the first day of school. We had planned to ride a little before school
Apparently, I was out for a few minutes and awoke to being surrounded by all 20 other students, and tagged. I was being stared at by the Nurse, Elisa and Coach Lauren. The first thing I said was "where is Jack? Is he hurt?" A few kids moved back and Jack was standing right there, his head low and a sad look in his eyes. As soon as he saw the gap towards me, he made his move to come see me. I tried sitting up and yelped in pain, before falling to the ground again.. Now that hurt. They asked me what hurt, but the pain was all over. My helmet was cracked and it felt like I was being stabbed in my abdomen. They lifted me onto the stretcher and started to carry me to the nurses office. Jack tried to follow, only to be held back by Imogen. He pushed her down with his nose and she landed in mud. Serves her right, I thought. Jack follow me wherever they took me. The nurse used a x-Ray machine and determined that I broke one Rib, nothing else but I did sprain my wrist.
I slipped back into darkness.
I awoke 2.5 hours later, in the school hospital.. Yes, HillCrest has a school hospital. I was watching Elisa pace on the phone with my parents before clearing my throat eh-hem. She jumped and then told my parents I was awake and she was gonna hang up. I Asked about Jack but he was fine. The doctor came in and I asked how long until I could ride again. He said about 3 weeks if my ribs and wrist heal nicely. He told me to take it easy. They we're gonna keep me till tomorrow and I was excused from classes for 2 days, for best rest, on doctors orders. He also told my teachers that they shall not give me any home work (yay!) because the stress could be to much for me and because I would be in pain. I was allowed to go down to see Jack but just not ride. I was going to have Elisa ride him but then decided for me to do ground work with him.
The Next Day
They released me back to my dorm but they put my wrist in a brace and splint. They are making me wear a medical wrap around my rib, only God knows why, I guess to heal it. Elisa got permission for our breakfast to be brought up to the room till the doctor took me off bed rest, and they decided she should stay with me for day one, no school for her, so we played games in the dorm.
It was dinner time all to soon and we are then Lights Out.

The next morning we walked down to breakfast together, a lot of people asking how I was doing. When we got to the café I heard Imogen Priest saying "the dirty fleabag of Sierra's should be put down. He could've killed her, not like I would've cared anyway. "
That little she-devil make me so mad!! I looked at my un-injured first and her face. I raised my first and slugged her with all my might. A few people started to clap as her nose started to bleed. The Café monitors came over and pulled me off of her. They sent me down to Miss.Lawrence's office. Miss.Lawrence came out and directed me into her room. Here's how the chat went;

Miss.Lawrence: what did you do?!?
Me: I kinda punched Imogen Priest. To be fair-
Her: why did you do it?
Me: she said Jack deserved to be put down. This is exactly was she said "That dirty fleabag if Sierra's deserves to be put down. He could've killed, not like I would've cared anyway. "

Miss.Lawrence told me I would not be punished buy Imogen will clean my stall till I can do it again, as she was the one who started it. I felt like I should be punished, and I said so. Miss.Lawrence decided that once my arm was better, I'd tack up Imogen's horse for a week (only tack not unTack and when I can) we exchanged good byes and I rushed out and met Elisa in the hallway. We talked out what had happened in Miss.Lawrences office and rushed off to eat.

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