Chapter 3: ...and Planes

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"Get on, you stupid--" Brian cut himself off. He glared daggers at Ringo. "Get on the plane. I've had quite enough of this childish attitude, Richard."

Ringo swallowed nervously. Brian was in a terrible mood. The band had messed up big time in their last show on this tour and people were threatening to boycott the band all together.

George ran off the plane at that and started yelling all sorts of swear words at Brian.

"Both of ye! Shut up! I can't take this shit anymore!" Ringo yelled suddenly. He stormed onto the plane and sat down.

"Ringo? Are you alright?" Paul asked. Ringo said nothing. He just curled up in a ball and started crying.

"Let 'im be, Paul...don't make 'im angry," John murmured. Paul sighed and nodded.

George and Brian boarded the plane fairly soon after. George's face was red and his fists were balled. He sat down next to Ringo and said nothing. Brian looked like he had just won the fight. He shot a smug look to George and sat down.

"What's with all of you?" Paul questioned. "Are you three fighting? Brian, you have been getting on all of our nerves but that doesn't mean--"

"Paul. Do I have to fire you?" Brian asked smoothly. Paul's face went pale. He turned to John.

"Ye can't do tha', Eppy. Paulie's me best mate an' ye can't fire 'im," John stated coolly. "An' we'll 'ave nothin' of a bitchy manager either. Do yer job an' we'll do ours."

Brian said nothing else. John returned to his restful demeanor. 

"Ringo...? Are ya okay?" George asked quietly. Ringo shrugged.

"Let me sleep, will ye?" he huffed. George sighed. He touched Ringo's shoulder.

"It'll get better when we get home, Rings. Trust me..."

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