Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning


 Meanwhile, Lydia had transformed into her dragon form,  a solid black dragon.  Well, here goes nothing! The battle begins!  thought Lydia.  Lydia knew if Thorin and the others would see her like this, they wouldn't be happy at all.  But at least she is saving them from getting fried.  Now it's Dragon Duel time! thought Lydia.  And so Lydia stomped towards Bilbo and Smaug.  "You keep away from my friend, SNAKE!" spoke up Lydia, as she approached Smaug.  "A DRAGON! You're female companion is of my kind?!" bellowed Smaug.    "Why of course, Smaug! Is that a problem? In fact, Thorin has already named me his official guardian of the Treasure, in which YOU have stolen from him!" snapped Lydia.  "You filthy little wretch! YOU WILL BURN!!" roared Smaug.  "Well, if it's a fight you want!  A fight is what you're going to get!" Lydia shot back.  "And I will be most gladly to accept the challenge!!" snarled Smaug, as he glared at Lydia.  "RUN BILBO! RUN!" Lydia screamed at the Hobbit, and of course, Bilbo ran.  

And now a battle between two dragons began, and soon Lydia had led Smaug out of the Mountain. Meanwhile, Bilbo ran towards where he could find the Company.  Suddenly, he ran right into Thorin, whom is now standing in front of him.  "Thorin, we got to get out of here! Smaug has woken up!" pleaded Bilbo.  "The Arkenstone! Where is it?" asked Thorin.   Fear came over Bilbo as he noticed a change in Thorin's expression---and it didn't appear like the Thorin he knew standing in front of him, as Thorin had a crazed expression in his eyes.   "Thorin!" gasped Bilbo. Suddenly, Thorin pointed his sword at Bilbo.  "Thorin, we got to run now!!" shouted Bilbo angrily.  "The lad is right! The Dragon can be anywhere!" spoke up Balin, and he saw Thorin standing in front of Bilbo.  "Thorin, are you alright?" asked Balin.

 Balin gasped as he saw the expression in his friend's eyes. "DWALIN!" Balin called out to his brother.  "Maybe you can get through with Thorin." said Balin.  Dwalin nodded, as Dwalin slapped Thorin in the back of the head. "OW! What was that for, Dwalin?!" shouted Thorin.  "You're daydreaming, lad! That's what's wrong! Now let's find a place to take refuge!" said Dwalin, sharply.  "Lydia? Where is Lydia?" asked Thorin, frantically.  But no one answered him.  "Didn't any of you hear me?! Where is LYDIA?!" shouted Thorin, angrily.   Bilbo knew he had to tell that Lydia had turned herself into a dragon and she is fighting Smaug as they speak, and so Bilbo answered him.  "WHAT?!" the dwarves shouted. Suddenly Thorin picked up Bilbo by the shoulders. "YOU LIE! Tell me the truth!! Where is she, halfling?!" barked Thorin.  "Thorin, put him down! He is telling the truth!" shouted Balin.  Thorin froze when he heard Balin's voice.  "Thorin! I think you better come and see this!!" called out Gloin, as they ran towards the Front Gate, where Lydia and Smaug had left. 

  To their shock and horror, they could see both dragons in the sky, still fighting.  But not only that, they are heading towards Lake Town.  "NOOOO!" Thorin shouted in anger.  "I'm so sorry, lad!" said Balin quietly.  "No, she's the one who should be sorry! What in the hell was she thinking?!" screamed Thorin.  "Thorin, just calm down! At least she got the dragon out of here!" said Balin.  "We need to go back inside, and celebrate the occasion!" spoke up Gloin.   And so Thorin led the dwarves back inside.  The Dwarves celebrated, but Thorin was in no mood for celebrating, as first his thoughts turned to Lydia.  But all that had changed once he had entered the large treasury, as he found himself surrounded by mounds of gold coins and different treasures.   


 Lake Town

   Meanwhile, several hours after the Elf Captain Tauriel had healed Kili,  she led the group of Dwarves out into the boats after they've been warned about the coming of not only one dragon, but TWO dragons.  "Two dragons? I thought there were only one dragon, and that's Smaug!" exclaimed Bofur, as he was the last one to enter the boat.   Then it was Fili, whom realized whom the second dragon is. "Great Heaven's above! It's Lydia! She has told us that she can turn herself into a dragon!" exclaimed Fili.  "What has gotten into the lass? Has she lost her mind?!" shouted Oin, angrily. "Apparently she has!" sighed Bofur.  Soon as Bofur was about to row, Fili stopped him. "No, Bofur! I must go tell Bard that one of those dragons is our Companion!" said Fili.  "Oh? How is going to buy that story?" said Oin.  "Oh, he'll buy it!" said Fili, as he climbed out of the boat, as he ran towards the Watch Tower.  Fili could see Bard already had reached the top of the Watch Tower, as Fili began to climb. Once Fili reached to the top, he called out to Bard. "What? I thought I was done with dwarves for one day?" grumbled Bard, sharply.

 "Bard, there is something I have to tell you! As you know already there are two dragons in the sky! The Black Dragon! Don't kill her--she is with us! In case Lydia hasn't told you, she has magic powers and she is a skin changer.  Apparently she turned herself into a dragon, so she can face Smaug!" said Fili.  "Well, what do you suggest I should do, Master Dwarf?" asked Bard. "Call out to Lydia and have her bring Smaug towards your direction!" said Fili.  Bard grinned. "Genius, plan, young Prince!" said Bard. Fili nodded, and so Bard tried to call out to Lydia.  "LYDIA!!" shouted Bard. "LYDIA!!" Fili called out.   Meanwhile, in the sky, Lydia could her voices calling out her name.   Lydia looked down and she saw Fili waving and Bard calling out to her.  And that, and idea popped in Lydia's mind.  They're wanting me to bring Smaug to them! And I'm going to do just that! This would be the chance for Bard to strike him, thought Lydia.   

  And so Lydia called out to Smaug, as they continued their doing.  Unfortunately, Smaug had caught on to Lydia's plan.   "I know what you're up to, woman! You're going to lead me into a trap! It's not going work, lady!!" shouted Smaug.  

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