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Hey all!!

So this weekend was homecoming - I went to a men's soccer game, one half of women's field hockey, a pep rally, and a football game!! I also got to see Nicole Byers from Girl Code - she is so freaking hilarious!!!

I had so much fun this weekend for homecoming - soccer lost :(, field hockey was boring :/, the pep rally was alright :/, we won the football game in overtime to stay undefeated :D, and Nicole was HILARIOUS :D!! And I got to spend time with all of my room mates, which was a blast. So it was a good weekend. 

Today I went to the Buddy Walk for the Downs Syndrome of Central New York. I went with a group from my Inclusive Special Education Club. It was a lot of fun and was for a great cause. So I had a great weekend.

HOWEVER, I got absolutely none of my homework done, so after I got home, I spent several hours working on my homework that is due tomorrow, and I still have to work on stuff for Tuesday, so I am not doing all of that tomorrow... It sucks, but I guess it has to be done, and it is my fault for putting it off...

Next weekend is going to be great too - in fact my next few weekends are mostly booked up. This coming up weekend, I am going to Pennsylvania with my mom, brother, and uncle to Williams Grove Speedway for the National Open (big sprint car [dirt car] racing). Then the following weekend, I am hopefully going to New York City to see Les Mis on Broadway. Then the weekend after that is Fall Break, so I will be going home - and possibly the weekend after that, because that is my grandma's birthday. So my weekends are really busy in October...

I promise to try to update more frequently - apparently it has been 11 days. :(

Who am I kidding? No one reads this anyway... :(


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