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*This was originally published in my book "The Other Salvatore". *

I got a notification that one of my favorite books was updated, and I was smiling and jumping up and down.

By the way, that book is called 'Beauty and the Beast.' It is a Klaus Mikaelson love story, like my own, but it is SOOO much better. It is the sequel to 'Falling for the Monster', and they are by KaylaB_95. If you get the chance, PLEASE check them out.

Anyway, it wasn't an update, but an authors note, so my excitement went down a notch, but I was still excited to hear what she had to say.

Until I read it...

Turns out, one of my favorite Wattpad authors is being BULLIED because of her amazing story!! What the what?!?!

COME ON PEOPLE! Are we really so low that we need to be mean to anonymous people? I thought Wattpad was supposed to be like a safe haven for writers to write what they wanted?! And didn't you mama ever tell youi that if you can't say anything nice, not to say anything at all?! You're calling her scared and insecure, but really that is what YOU are. If you don't like her book - DON'T READ IT!!! Just let the rest of us awesome people who love it read it. You don't have to comment or message her saying mean stuff about her or her book! Just move on to something you do enjoy.

To Kayla, if you are reading this:

Stay strong!! Those people are not worth your time. They just don't understand beauty when they see it - and I mean both you and your story!! Don't allow these mean, ignorant people ruin something you love. I understand wanting to take a break, and deal with these feelings, but I sincerely hope that you continue to write, because me, and a lot of other people, love your stories, and would be so sad if you decided to give it up.

To the bullies:

You are sick, evil people, and I hope someday you find out what it feels like to be harshly critized and called vile things.

To my fans:

Sorry for the rant.  Love you all! Don't be bullies!

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